Whistlers in Summer and Winter

Joachim Köppen Kiel 2018

The best chance of listening to whistlers is in summer, as local thunderstorms provide plenty of lightnings, whose numerous and strong spherics make a lot of noise. They also can be the sources for whistlers, which obviously are of the two hop variety: it takes about 1.2 sec to fall from 5 to 2 kHz, and any strong spherics emission about 2.5 sec before the whistler appears at 5 kHz would be the source (marked by the arrow) in this recording from Aug. 24th, 2008:

listen to the sound file

Whistlers can also appear in winter: on March 3rd, 2009 many whistlers were recorded like these three. They take only 0.6 sec to fall from 5 to 2 kHz, hence they are one hop whistlers, greetings from southern Africa. In winter Europe doesn't have thunderstorms. Thus the background noise is low, with only a few spherics, probably from northern Africa or the Near East:

listen to the sound file

When we put the two data sets together, using the same time scaling, the difference in the duration of the whistlers becomes more obvious:

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last update: Apr 2018 J.Köppen