Hands-on (Astro-)physics collection

Joachim Köppen

Here I collect links to exercises and educational material in (astro-)physics.

Stars and Galaxies

My JavaScript tools

The CD ROM Spectroscope Jeux Optiques avec les Disques Compacts Das CD ROM Spektroskop
Spectra of Gas Discharges based on my extended version of the site and applet written by John Talbot

Heavens above page

Virtual trips to black holes and neutron stars by Robert Nemiroff
Cambridge Cosmology

Your Sky is an interactive planetarium on the Web
JPL's Solar System Dynamics: Horizons

Earth and Planets

n-body border collie solution and others (needs Java)
animations of n-body problems for gnuplot
JPL Horizons (ephemerides)

An interactive view of the Earth

INSPIRE (interactive NASA space physics ionosphere radio experiments) Build a VLF receiver to explore the Earth's magnetosphere
RADIO JOVE: Build a receiver to listen to Jupiter's decametric emissions
Build a Sodabottle magnetometer
Build a Sodabottle magnetometer

Physics Applets

several good ones for Fluid Dynamics at Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering of Virginia Tech

(Amateur) Radio Astronomy

Jim Sky's Radio Sky Publishing Resources for Amateur Radio Astronomers, Teachers, and Students
Radio Astronomy Supplies
Arbeitskreis Amateurfunk und Telekommunication in der Schule

INSPIRE (interactive NASA space physics ionosphere radio experiments) Build a VLF receiver to explore the Earth's magnetosphere
RADIO JOVE: Build a receiver to listen to Jupiter's decametric emissions

IK1QFK Home page: Exploring ULF-ELF and VLF radio band

VLF and Lightning Research

Stanford University VLF Group
Real-time map of lightnings in Europe
VLF-LF and the Loop Aerial (Lloyd Butler VK5BR)
A ferrite Rod Loop for VLF (Lloyd Butler VK5BR, 1990)
IDEALLOOP antenna (Feletti & Romero)

Amateur Science

Electrostatic deflection of candle flames
Science Toys have a lot of ideas for apparatus made from household material
Amateur Science by Bill Beaty

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last update: 18 oct 2024 J.Köppen