Michelin Guide to the Solar System

Sarah Lawday, Jérémy Lebreton, Axel Richard, Florence Gris

Illkirch, april 2008


What the advanced interface allows to do.

The advanced interface of the MIGUI applet is an extension of the simple interface that permits to get more information about the trajectories of the travel previously chosen, such as speed or inclination of the orbit ...

In order to have access to the advanced interface, you must have entered the parameters of your travel in the simple interface.

There are versions of the advanced interface, one for a simple trip and the other for trip with gravity assist. The choice is already done when you click on 'OK' or on 'OK slingshot' so you have only to click on the "Advanced Interface" to access to the corresponding advanced interface window

From this page, which corresponds to the Orbit page, you access the other pages: original planet condition, graphs parameters and if you have choose slingshot option a special page about slingshot trajectories.

You can also choose the graph you want to display in the drop-down menu at right top corner.


What allows the advanced interface
The simple trip plots.
The slingshot trip plots.
Simple Tutorial.
Slingshot Tutorial.