The Interferences at Illkirch
Joachim Köppen Strasbourg 2010
Being in the middle of a campus with many research institutes and teaching
facilities, it is not really surprising that this environment is heavily
polluted with all kinds of electronic noise, and we suffer from that interference
which makes a radio astronomer's life difficult, but also challenging!
So far, we have encountered several kinds of interference:
Of course, we fought back, by building narrow-band filters to protect the receiver from the
off-band interference, and after locating another problem in a leakage of the braid of a small
coaxial cable, we no longer speak of interference ... Below shows the 2 resonator filter during
initial tuning (before closed completely), and a screen shot of one of the swept measurements
of the passband (about 150 MHz across the screen, the sharp dip near the centre marks 1400 MHz).
Here is my JavaScript tool to design interdigital filters
A variety of filters was built and tested. Initially, system temperatures of only 1000 K and
700 K could be reached, but this was already sufficient to execute complete surveys of the Milky
Way, and getting reliable and interesting data. Although the filters were carefully tuned with
50 Ohm impedance equipment, their performance at the telescope left much to be desired.
Obviously, the actual impedances of the preamplifier and the probe at the antenna's focus were
not close to 50 Ohm. After various trials, a procedure was developed that permitted to tune
reliably a filter to optimum response. This needs quite a bit of work, adjusting carefully the
resonators, inspecting at each step the results at the computer, and finally measuring the system
temperature. (One also benefits from good exercise, as one needs to walk many times the 120 m
between telescope and computer :-)
Eventually, a filter configuration was found that gives a sufficiently low system temperature
over a broad frequency range, which also coincides well with the maximum overall frequency
response, indicating successful power and noise matching. The narrow feature at 1420.5 MHz is
merely due to the presence of galactic emission in the spectrum of the "empty sky".
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last update: June 2011 J.Köppen
The plot below shows an experiment we ran overnight: During about 10 hours, we were observing
the Galactic Anticentre l=180° b=0°. The left panel shows that during that time the received
power level fluctuated rather strongly between about 50 and 700 cts, so between complete saturation
and fairly decent reception. If one compares the apparent power of the galactic feature -
properly baseline-subtracted, of course - with the power level of the nearby flat continuum
(in the spectrum shown above one sess the flat region to the right of the galactic feature),
one finds a very close correlation, depicted in the right hand panel below, each small circle
representing one of the 3650 individual spectra: