Maintenance Hints
Joachim Köppen Strasbourg 2010
From the manufacturer's information, the hardware components of the
telescope are basically maintenance-free. However, with any installation
placed outdoors and subjected to the weather, and if it is used intensely,
it is evident to deserve thorough visual inspection in regular intervals.
The azimuth motor is well protected by its housing, so in the two years of
nearly continuous operation it has not given any hint of a problem. During
an inspection this autumn I met only a group of shivering, dying wasps, which
had somehow found their way in and huddled together for a bit of warmth ...
As I have been experimenting with band-pass filters, the focal assembly has
received frequent visits. But as it does not contain any components subject
to mechanical wear, and the lonely small spiders do not do any harm, this
part does not need any attention.
However, the linear actuator ("pushrod") that does the elevation control
did develop problems: Although it should be maintenance-free, it is exposed
to the weather, and evidently rain water had penetrated its interior. Initially,
it was noticed from the observational data that sometimes the elevation was
not correct, and finally the telescope could not be moved in elevation.
The inner tube revealed signs of corrosion
The reason for this problem might be rain water seeping in through some gaps
where the eye holding the mounting bolt is fixed to the inner tube of the
Here is a report about repair work done in 2013 of the pushrod and the motor housing:
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last update: Jul. 2013 J.Köppen
Report on Repair in 2013 (1.2 MB)