Go to the documentation of this file.
1#!/usr/bin/env python
2from read import read
3import numpy as np
4import sys
5from string import join
7if __name__=="__main__":
8 if len(sys.argv) > 1:
9 f = read(sys.argv[1])
10 keys = f.keys()
12 # filter out directories
13 keys = [ k for k in keys if not k.endswith('/.')]
15 # get /config directory
16 config = [ k for k in keys if k.startswith('/config/') ]
17 prefix = ''
18 for k in sorted(config):
19 val = f[k]
20 key = k[7:]
21 p, postfix = key.rsplit('/',1)
22 p = p[1:]
23 if prefix!=p:
24 prefix = p
25 print "# [{0}]".format(prefix)
26 print "#{:>23}:{:>14}".format(postfix,val)
28 # get all data items (the rest)
29 data = [ k for k in keys if not k.startswith('/config/') ]
30 outkeys = list()
31 for k in data:
32 val = f[k]
33 if type(val) == np.ndarray and len(val.shape)==2 \
34 and val.shape[0]==f['/config/mesh/inum'] and val.shape[1]==f['/config/mesh/jnum']:
35 outkeys.append(k)
36 outkeys = sorted(outkeys)
37 ks = [ i.rsplit('/',1)[1] for i in outkeys ]
38 print "# ",join(ks,'\t')
39 for i in f:
40 vals = [f[k] for k in outkeys]
41 for a in np.nditer(vals):
42 a = [ "%.4e" % np.float64(i) for i in a ]
43 print " ",join(a, '\t')
44 print "\n"
integer, parameter list