Welcome to the Fosite Webpages!

Fosite is a free hydrodynamic-suite, built for high-performance computing.


January 08, 2019: The 3D version of fosite changed the structure of its predecessor completely, using Fortran 2003 patterns for object orientation. Therefore, many modules from the old version of fosite are not ported yet and there are few examples/gallery entries. These will be continuously updated within the next weeks and months. If you encounter any bugs or issues please let us know.

ITAP - Astrophysical Department

Fosite is developed in the working group Accretion, Active Galaxies, Astrobiology of astrophysical departement at Kiel University. In order to get a hint of the capabilities of Fosite have a look at the about-page or the gallery. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact us.

Download Fosite!

For students of Kiel University

Are you interested in astrophysical processes and high-performance computing? It is always possible to participate and learn a lot in mini-projects or in a thesis-project in order to get in touch with our work. In that case contact Prof. W. J. Duschl via E-Mail and have a look at the institutes page.