Go to the source code of this file.
subroutine | boundary_custom_mod::initboundary_custom (this, Mesh, Physics, dir, config) |
| Constructor for custom boundary conditions. More...
subroutine | boundary_custom_mod::setboundarydata (this, Mesh, Physics, time, pvar) |
| Applies the custom boundary conditions. More...
subroutine | boundary_custom_mod::setcustomboundaries (this, Mesh, Physics, cbtype, kepler_radius) |
subroutine | boundary_custom_mod::finalize (this) |
character(len=32), parameter | boundary_custom_mod::boundcond_name = "custom" |
@, public | boundary_custom_mod::custom_nograd = 1 |
@, public | boundary_custom_mod::custom_period = 2 |
@, public | boundary_custom_mod::custom_reflect = 3 |
@, public | boundary_custom_mod::custom_reflneg = 4 |
@, public | boundary_custom_mod::custom_extrapol = 5 |
@, public | boundary_custom_mod::custom_fixed = 6 |
@, public | boundary_custom_mod::custom_logexpol = 7 |
@, public | boundary_custom_mod::custom_outflow = 8 |
@, public | boundary_custom_mod::custom_kepler = 9 |
@, public | boundary_custom_mod::custom_angkepler = 10 |