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subroutine | boundary_generic_mod::setcorneredges (this, Mesh, Physics, pvar) |
| Calculates the corner in 2D and the corners and edges in 3D. More...
subroutine | boundary_generic_mod::mpiboundarycommunication (this, Mesh, Physics, pvar) |
| Handles the MPI communication of the inner (and physical periodic) boundaries. More...
subroutine | boundary_generic_mod::mpibuffer2pvar (this, Mesh, Physics, output_dir, buffer, pvar) |
| Copys buffer data to ghost cells. More...
subroutine, public | boundary_generic_mod::new_boundary (Boundary, Mesh, Physics, config, IO) |
subroutine, private | boundary_generic_mod::initboundary (this, Mesh, Physics, config, IO) |
subroutine, private | boundary_generic_mod::centerboundary (this, Mesh, Physics, time, pvar, cvar) |
| Sets boundaries in all directions. More...
subroutine | boundary_generic_mod::initboundary_mpi (this, Mesh, Physics, periods) |
| initializes the MPI communication More...
subroutine | boundary_generic_mod::mpipvar2buffer (this, Mesh, Physics, input_dir, pvar, buffer) |
| Copys ghost cell data to buffer. More...
subroutine, private | boundary_generic_mod::finalize (this) |