File Reference

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class  coplot.reflist




def coplot.connectKey (fig, key, action)
def coplot.once (send, data)
def coplot.sum (send, axis=None)
def coplot.gaussian_filter (send, args, kwargs)
def coplot.gaussiankernel_filter (send, stddev, args, kwargs)
def coplot.median_filter (send, args, kwargs)
def coplot.uniform_filter (send, args, kwargs)
def coplot.mean (send, axis=None)
def coplot.customfilter (send, fn)
def coplot.min (send, axis=None)
def coplot.max (send, axis=None)
def coplot.minmax (send, axis=None)
def coplot.clip (send, min, max)
def coplot.symclip (send)
def coplot.printer (send, fn=lambda d:d)
def coplot.produce (send, d)
def coplot.generate (send, d=None)
def coplot.getval (p, args)
def coplot.pipe (send, p=None)
def coplot.inject (send, p)
def (send, f, args, kwargs)
def coplot.iterate (send)
def (send, frame=None)
def coplot.imshow (send, aspect=1, cmap=stdcmap, cax=plt, clim=None, cscale=None, norm=None, xscale=None, yscale=None, xlabel='x', ylabel='y', clabel=None, args, kwargs)
def coplot.surface (send, f, fig, sub, aspect=1, cmap=stdcmap, cax=plt, clim=None, cscale=None, norm=None, xscale=None, yscale=None, args, kwargs)
def coplot.plot (send, xdata=None, xlabel='x', ylabel='y', fmt='', xscale=None, yscale=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, aspect=None, text=lambda f:'n=%i\nt=%.2e' %(f.frame, f['/timedisc/time']), kwargs)
def coplot.multiplot (send, xlabel='x', ylabel='y', xlim=(None, None), ylim=(None, None), fmts=(), labels=(), repeat=0, xscale=None, yscale=None, loc='best', ncol=1, ltitle=None, rtitle=None, color='rgbcmykw', marker=None, linestyle='-', kwargs)
def coplot.makelist (send, n=lambda f:len(f), l=None)
def coplot.cut (send, s)
def coplot.streamplot2
def coplot.streamplot (send, scale=1., args, kwargs)
def coplot.contour (send, args, kwargs)
def coplot.nextsub (send)
def coplot.selectsub (send, i)
def coplot.pcolormesh (send, cmap=stdcmap, clim=None, xlabel='x', ylabel='y', aspect='equal', scale=1., clabel=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, text=None, X=None, Y=None, xscale=None, yscale=None, cscale=None, xticks=None, yticks=None, norm=None, ltitle=None, rtitle=None, cax=None, autoscale=False, edgecolors='None', linewidth=0, tcolor='k', zoom=None, nbins=None, args, kwargs)
def coplot.text (send, x, y, label, args, kwargs)
def coplot.annotate (send, label, xy, xytext, args, kwargs)
def coplot.colorbar (send, i=0, label="", args, kwargs)
def coplot.addtitle (send, i=0, label="", args, kwargs)
def coplot.pcolorflat (args, kwargs)
def coplot.timelistgrid (send, scale=1., tscale=1.)
def coplot.moviesave (send, filename, fps=60, ffmpeg_params=['-preset', slow, crf, args, kwargs)
def coplot.anisave (send, filename, frames, args, kwargs)
def coplot.animate (send, args, kwargs)
def coplot.timeseries (send)
def coplot.series (send, it)
def coplot.getData (f, names)
def coplot.get (send)
def coplot.savetxt (send, name, args, kwargs)
def coplot.loadtxt (send, args, kwargs)
def coplot.savefig (send, name, args, kwargs)
def coplot.savepng (name, args, kwargs)
def coplot.savepdf (name, args, kwargs)
def coplot.axvline (send, x, args, kwargs)
def coplot.saveimg (send, name, args, kwargs)
def coplot.savepgf (send, name, args, kwargs)
def (send, name, args, kwargs)
def coplot.load (send, args, kwargs)
def coplot.psave (send, name, args, kwargs)
def coplot.pload (send, args, kwargs)
def coplot.rfft (send)
def coplot.irfft (send)
def coplot.abs (send)
def coplot.log10 (send)
def coplot.log (send)
def coplot.only (send, i, p)
def coplot.waiter (send, n)
def coplot.onlyif (send, fn)
def coplot.each (send, p)
def coplot.split (send, args)
def coplot.repeat (send, no)
def coplot.broadcast (send, args)
def coplot.normalize
def coplot.normalize2
def coplot.numexpr (send, expr)
def coplot.apply (send, fn)
def coplot.movingaverage (send, order=3)
def coplot.forall (send, fn)
def coplot.diff_backward (send, order=1)
def coplot.timediff (send, reset=None)
def coplot.timediff2 (send)
def coplot.vecabs (send)
def coplot.diff (f, d, dir)
def coplot.grad (send)
def coplot.delR (send)
def coplot.absgrad (f)
def coplot.curl (send)
def coplot.div (send)
def coplot.cross (send, f, a)
def coplot.Convert2Cartesian (send)
def coplot.inner (send)
def coplot.readdirs (send)
def coplot.readbin (send)
def coplot.pltshow (send)
def coplot.mkplt (send, args, kwargs)
def coplot.mksubplots (send, grid=(1, 2), args, kwargs)
def coplot.mkgrid (send, grid, figsize=None, kwargs)
def coplot.control (send, i=None)
def coplot.append (send, l)
def coplot.togglemax (send)
def coplot.printmeta (send)
def coplot.setmeta (send, d)
def coplot.consumemeta (send, name)
def coplot.vorticity
def coplot.kepvelocity (f)
def coplot.kepvorticity ()
def coplot.potvorticity (f, omega=0.)
def coplot.vortensity (f, omega=0.)
def coplot.specifictorque (f, omega=0.)
def coplot.mass (f)
def coplot.specifictorqueflux (f, csiso=None, omega=0.)
def coplot.angularmomentum (f)
def (v="/timedisc/density", normalize=False, kwargs)
def coplot.angularmomentumconservation ()
def coplot.cellaspectratio ()
def coplot.gettemp (f)
def coplot.temperature ()
def coplot.massspectrum (logscale=True, omega=0.)
def coplot.toomre (kappa=omega)
def coplot.kinetic_energy (f, omega=1.)
def coplot.gravitational_energy (f)
def coplot.thermal_energy (f)
def coplot.cartvelocity ()
def coplot.mach ()
def coplot.overR (p, i=0)
def coplot.getvars (send, l)
def coplot.L1 (send)


 coplot.stdcmap =
 coplot.tqdm = lambda a: a
 for Palatino and other serif fonts use: rc('font',**{'family':'serif','serif':['Palatino']}) rc('text', usetex=False) rc('text.latex', preamble=r"\usepackage{wasysym}") rc('text.latex', unicode=True) overwrite some standard keymapings, so they don't collide with our own. More...
 coplot.minmaxmean = lambda d: (np.min(d),np.mean(d),np.max(d))
def coplot.line = lambda v: produce(('/mesh/bary_centers_x',v)) | control(f,fig) | get(f) | plot(f,fig,sub) = lambda f: f['/timedisc/yvelocity']/f['/mesh/radius'] + f['/config/mesh/omega']
 coplot.epicyclicfrequency = lambda f: np.sqrt(2.*omega(f)/f['/mesh/radius']*diff(f,f['/mesh/radius']**2*omega(f),0)/f['/mesh/bhx'])
def coplot.pvars = lambda: getvars(['/timedisc/%s' % s for s in ['density','xvelocity','yvelocity','pressure']])
def coplot.cvars = lambda: getvars(['/timedisc/%s' % s for s in ['density','xmomentum','ymomentum','energy']])
 coplot.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
 coplot.args = parser.parse_args()
 coplot.d = vars(args)
 coplot.fig = plt.figure()
 coplot.sub = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
 coplot.p = eval(args.pipe)