subroutine | gravity_sboxspectral_mod::initgravity_sboxspectral (this, Mesh, Physics, config, IO) |
| Constructor of gravity sboxspectral module. More...
subroutine | gravity_sboxspectral_mod::setoutput (this, Mesh, Physics, config, IO) |
subroutine | gravity_sboxspectral_mod::updategravity_single (this, Mesh, Physics, Fluxes, pvar, time, dt) |
| Calculates the acceleration from potential. More...
subroutine | gravity_sboxspectral_mod::calcpotential (this, Mesh, Physics, time, pvar) |
| Computes the potential with FFT method within a shearingsheet. More...
subroutine | gravity_sboxspectral_mod::setboundarydata (this, Mesh, Physics, delt) |
| Set ghost cell data for the potential. More...
subroutine | gravity_sboxspectral_mod::fft_forward (this, Mesh, Physics, field) |
| Calculates the FFT forward. More...
subroutine | gravity_sboxspectral_mod::fft_backward (this, Mesh, Physics, field) |
| Calculates the FFT backward transformation. More...
subroutine | gravity_sboxspectral_mod::calcdiskheight_single (this, Mesh, Physics, pvar, bccsound, h_ext, height) |
| Compute disk pressure scale height for geometrically thin self-gravitating shearingsheet. More...
subroutine | gravity_sboxspectral_mod::fieldshift (this, Mesh, Physics, delt, field, shifted_field) |
| Shifts the whole field to the next periodic point. More...
subroutine | gravity_sboxspectral_mod::finalize (this) |
| Closes the gravity term of the shearingsheet spectral solver. More...