
Source terms for gravitational forces. More...


module  gravity_base_mod
 generic gravity terms module providing functionaly common to all gravity terms
module  gravity_binary_mod
 source terms module for gravitational acceleration due to two pointmasses
module  gravity_pointmass_mod
 source terms module for gravitational acceleration due to a point mass at the center of the coordinate system
module  gravity_sboxspectral_mod
 Poisson solver using spectral methods within the shearingbox.
module  gravity_spectral_mod
 2D poisson solver using spectral methods for direct integration

Detailed Description

Source terms for gravitational forces.

  • general parameters of gravity group as key-values
    INTEGER gtype \nType of gravity source
    INTEGER output/accel = 0\nenable(=1) output of acceleration
  • parameters of gravity_binary as key-values
    REAL mass1 = 1.0\nmass of primary component
    REAL mass2 = 1.0\nmass of secondary component
    REAL excentricity = 0.0\nexcentricity
    REAL semimajoraxis = 1.0\nsemi major axis
    REAL softening1 = 0.0\nsoftening parameter of primary component
    REAL softening2 = 0.0\nsoftening parameter of secondary component
    REAL switchon1 = -1.0\nsoft switch on
    REAL omega_rot = 0.0\nconvert binary positions to a rotating reference frame
    INTEGER mesh_rot = 0\nconvert binary positions to a rotating mesh (0|1)
    with angular velocity omega
  • parameters of gravity_pointmass as key-values
    INTEGER potential \ntype of the potential
    REAL mass = 1.0\nmass of the point mass
    REAL x = 0.0\ncartesian x-position of the point mass
    REAL y = 0.0\ncartesian y-position of the point mass
    REAL z = 0.0\ncartesian z-position of the point mass
    REAL softening = 0.0\nSoftening (e.g. for planets inside the computational domain)
    REAL switchon = -1.0\nsoft switch on
    REAL acclimit = -1.0\nmax accretion rate / mass [1/unit time] (if negative => disabled)
    INTEGER outbound = depends on mesh\nenable mass accretion by setting "outbound" to one of the four boundaries
  • parameters of gravity_sboxspectral as key-value pairs
    INTEGER order = 2\norder for the approximation of the gradient of the
    potential \( \in \{2,4\}\)
    INTEGER print_plans = 0\nenable=1/disable=0 output of FFTW plans
    INTEGER output/potential = 0\n(enable=1) output gravitational potential
    INTEGER output/Fmass3D = 0\n(enable=1) output z-slices of 2D (x-y) fourier
    transformed density
  • parameters of gravity_spectral as key-values
    INTEGER green = 1\n type of Green-function
    REAL sigma = 0.05\nstandard deviation
    INTEGER output/potential \nenable(=1) output of grav. potential