
Base module for time discretization. More...


module  timedisc_base_mod
module  timedisc_cashkarp_mod
 subroutines for embedded Runge-Kutta method
module  timedisc_dormand_prince_mod
 subroutines for Dormand-Prince method
module  timedisc_modeuler_mod
 subroutines for modified Euler i.e. Runge-Kutta methods
module  timedisc_rkfehlberg_mod
 subroutines for Runge-Kutta Fehlberg method
module  timedisc_ssprk_mod
 subroutines for strong stability preserving (SSP) Runge Kutta methods

Detailed Description

Base module for time discretization.

  • general parameters of timedisc group as key-values
    INTEGER method \ntime integration method
    INTEGER rhstype = 0\nenable(1)/disabel(0) special right hand side treatment
    REAL stoptime \nphysical stop time of simulation
    REAL cfl = 0.4\nCFL number
    REAL dtlimit = EPSILON(dtlimit)*stoptime\ntime step minimum
    REAL dtmax = 5\ntime step maximum in units of [CFL timestep]
    (Used in Dumka)
    INTEGER maxiter = 0\nmaximum iterations
    REAL tol_rel = 0.01\nrelative tolerance for adaptive step size control
    REAL, DIMENSION(PhysicsVNUM) tol_abs = (/0.001,0.001,../)\n absolute tolerance for adaptive
    step size control
    REAL beta = 0.08\ntime step friction parameter for PI-Controller
    INTEGER always_update_bccsound = 1\nenable(1)/disable(0) update of bccsound at each
    INTEGER checkdata = CHECK_ALL\nbitmask to verify data validity/integrity
    REAL pmin = TINY(REAL)\npressure minimum to check if CHECK_PMIN has been enabled
    REAL tmin = TINY(REAL)\ntemperature minimum to check if CHECK_TMIN has been enabled
    REAL rhomin = TINY(REAL)\ndensity minimum to check if CHECK_RHOMIN has been enabled