logging_base.f90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  logging_base_mod::logging_base
 common data structure More...


module  logging_base_mod
 Basic fosite module.


subroutine logging_base_mod::initlogging (this, t, n)
 Constructor of the base class. More...
subroutine logging_base_mod::finalize (this)
 Destructor of logging_base class. More...
pure integer function logging_base_mod::gettype (this)
 Get the module type number. More...
subroutine logging_base_mod::setprefix (val)
 Set character preceding the info output. More...
pure character(len=32) function logging_base_mod::getname (this)
 Get the module name. More...
pure integer function logging_base_mod::getrank (this)
 Get the MPI rank. More...
pure integer function logging_base_mod::getnumprocs (this)
 Get the total number of MPI processes. More...
pure logical function logging_base_mod::initialized (this)
 Query initialization status. More...
subroutine logging_base_mod::info (this, msg, rank, node_info, tostderr)
 Print information on standard output. More...
subroutine logging_base_mod::warning (this, modproc, msg, rank)
 Print warning message on standard error. More...
subroutine logging_base_mod::error (this, modproc, msg, rank, node_info)
 Print error message on standard error and terminate the program. More...


integer, save logging_base_mod::default_mpi_real = MPI_REAL
 default real type for MPI More...
integer, save logging_base_mod::default_mpi_2real = MPI_2REAL
 default 2real type for MPI More...
integer, save logging_base_mod::default_mpi_complex = MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX
 default real type for MPI More...
real, parameter logging_base_mod::dummy = 1.0
 check default real type More...
real, save logging_base_mod::nan_default_real
 NaN real constant. More...
integer, parameter logging_base_mod::stderr = 0
 fortran stderr unit More...
integer, parameter logging_base_mod::stdout = 6
 fortran stdout unit More...
integer, target, save logging_base_mod::myrank = 0
 MPI rank. More...
integer, target, save logging_base_mod::ppnum = 1
 MPI number of processes. More...
logical, target, save logging_base_mod::parinit = .FALSE.
 MPI initialization status. More...
character(len=1), save logging_base_mod::prefix = ' '
 preceds info output More...