subroutine | mesh_midpoint_mod::initmesh_midpoint (this, config, IO) |
pure subroutine | mesh_midpoint_mod::vectordivergence2d_1 (this, vx, vy, divv) |
| compute the cell centered 2D vector divergence More...
pure subroutine | mesh_midpoint_mod::tensordivergence2d_1 (this, Txx, Txy, Tyx, Tyy, divTx, divTy) |
| compute the cell centered 2D rank 2 tensor divergence More...
pure subroutine | mesh_midpoint_mod::vectordivergence3d (this, vx, vy, vz, divv) |
| compute the cell centered 3D vector divergence More...
pure subroutine | mesh_midpoint_mod::tensordivergence3d (this, Txx, Txy, Txz, Tyx, Tyy, Tyz, Tzx, Tzy, Tzz, divTx, divTy, divTz) |
| compute the cell centered 3D rank 2 tensor divergence More...
elemental real function | mesh_midpoint_mod::divergence3d (dAxdydzWest, dAxdydzEast, dAydxdzSouth, dAydxdzNorth, dAzdxdyBottom, dAzdxdyTop, dydzdV, dxdzdV, dxdydV, cxyx, cxzx, cyxy, czxz, TxxWest, TxxEast, TxySouth, TxyNorth, TxzBottom, TxzTop, TyxCent, TzxCent, TyyCent, TzzCent) |
| elemental workhorse to compute divergence More...
subroutine | mesh_midpoint_mod::finalize (this) |