integer, parameter | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::num_var = 3 |
character(len=32), parameter | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::problem_name = "Euler isotherm" |
subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::initphysics_eulerisotherm (this, Mesh, config, IO) |
| Intialization of isothermal physics. More...
subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::printconfiguration_eulerisotherm (this) |
subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::enableoutput (this, Mesh, config, IO) |
| Enables output of certain arrays defined in this class. More...
subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::new_statevector (this, new_sv, flavour, num) |
| allocate an initialize new isothermal state vector More...
pure subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::setsoundspeeds_center (this, Mesh, bccsound) |
| Sets soundspeeds at cell-centers. More...
pure subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::setsoundspeeds_faces (this, Mesh, fcsound) |
| Sets soundspeeds at cell-faces. More...
pure subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::convert2primitive_all (this, cvar, pvar) |
| Converts to primitives at cell centers using state vectors. More...
pure subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::convert2primitive_subset (this, i1, i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, cvar, pvar) |
| Converts to primitives at cell centers using state vectors. More...
pure subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::convert2conservative_all (this, pvar, cvar) |
| Converts primitive to conservative variables on the whole mesh. More...
pure subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::convert2conservative_subset (this, i1, i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, pvar, cvar) |
| Converts to primitive to conservative variables on a subset of the data. More...
pure subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::calcwavespeeds_center (this, Mesh, pvar, minwav, maxwav) |
| Calculates wave speeds at cell-centers. More...
pure subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::calcwavespeeds_faces (this, Mesh, prim, cons, minwav, maxwav) |
| Calculates wave speeds at cell-faces. More...
pure subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::geometricalsources (this, Mesh, pvar, cvar, sterm) |
| Calculates geometrical sources. More...
pure subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::calcfluxesx (this, Mesh, nmin, nmax, prim, cons, xfluxes) |
| Calculate Fluxes in x-direction. More...
pure subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::calcfluxesy (this, Mesh, nmin, nmax, prim, cons, yfluxes) |
| Calculate Fluxes in y-direction. More...
pure subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::calcfluxesz (this, Mesh, nmin, nmax, prim, cons, zfluxes) |
| Calculate Fluxes in z-direction. More...
pure subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::viscositysources (this, Mesh, pvar, btxx, btxy, btxz, btyy, btyz, btzz, sterm) |
| compute viscous source terms More...
pure subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::calcstresses (this, Mesh, pvar, dynvis, bulkvis, btxx, btxy, btxz, btyy, btyz, btzz) |
| calculate components of the stress tensor More...
pure subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::externalsources (this, accel, pvar, cvar, sterm) |
| compute momentum sources given an external force More...
pure subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::addbackgroundvelocityx (this, Mesh, w, pvar, cvar) |
pure subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::addbackgroundvelocityy (this, Mesh, w, pvar, cvar) |
pure subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::addbackgroundvelocityz (this, Mesh, w, pvar, cvar) |
pure subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::subtractbackgroundvelocityx (this, Mesh, w, pvar, cvar) |
pure subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::subtractbackgroundvelocityy (this, Mesh, w, pvar, cvar) |
pure subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::subtractbackgroundvelocityz (this, Mesh, w, pvar, cvar) |
pure subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::addfargosources (this, Mesh, w, pvar, cvar, sterm) |
| sources terms for fargo advection More...
pure subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::reflectionmasks (this, Mesh, reflX, reflY, reflZ) |
| return masks for reflecting boundaries More...
pure subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::axismasks (this, Mesh, reflX, reflY, reflZ) |
| return masks for axis boundaries More...
pure subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::calculatecharsystemx (this, Mesh, i1, i2, pvar, lambda, xvar) |
pure subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::calculatecharsystemy (this, Mesh, j1, j2, pvar, lambda, xvar) |
pure subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::calculatecharsystemz (this, Mesh, k1, k2, pvar, lambda, xvar) |
pure subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::calculateboundarydatax (this, Mesh, i1, i2, xvar, pvar) |
pure subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::calculateboundarydatay (this, Mesh, j1, j2, xvar, pvar) |
pure subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::calculateboundarydataz (this, Mesh, k1, k2, xvar, pvar) |
subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::finalize (this) |
| Destructor of the physics_eulerisotherm class. More...
type(statevector_eulerisotherm) function | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::createstatevector (Physics, flavour, num) |
| Constructor of statevector_eulerisotherm. More...
subroutine, public | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::createstatevector_eulerisotherm (Physics, new_sv, flavour, num) |
subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::assignmarray_0 (this, ma) |
| assigns one state vector to another state vector More...
elemental subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::setwavespeeds (cs, v, minwav, maxwav) |
| set minimal and maximal wave speeds More...
elemental subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::seteigenvalues1d (cs, v, l1, l2) |
| compute all eigenvalues More...
elemental subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::seteigenvalues2d (cs, v, l1, l2, l3) |
elemental subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::seteigenvalues3d (cs, v, l1, l2, l3, l4) |
elemental subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::setflux1d (cs, rho, u, mu, f1, f2) |
| set mass and 1D momentum flux for transport along the 1st dimension More...
elemental subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::setflux2d (cs, rho, u, mu, mv, f1, f2, f3) |
| set mass and 2D momentum flux for transport along the 1st dimension More...
elemental subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::setflux3d (cs, rho, u, mu, mv, mw, f1, f2, f3, f4) |
| set mass and 3D momentum flux for transport along the 1st dimension More...
elemental subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::cons2prim1d (rho_in, mu, rho_out, u) |
| Convert from 1D conservative to primitive variables. More...
elemental subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::cons2prim2d (rho_in, mu, mv, rho_out, u, v) |
| Convert from 2D conservative to primitive variables. More...
elemental subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::cons2prim3d (rho_in, mu, mv, mw, rho_out, u, v, w) |
| Convert from 3D conservative to primitive variables. More...
elemental subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::prim2cons1d (rho_in, u, rho_out, mu) |
| Convert from 1D primitive to conservative variables. More...
elemental subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::prim2cons2d (rho_in, u, v, rho_out, mu, mv) |
| Convert from 2D primitive to conservative variables. More...
elemental subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::prim2cons3d (rho_in, u, v, w, rho_out, mu, mv, mw) |
| Convert from 3D primitive to conservative variables. More...
elemental subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::setcharvars1d (cs, rho1, rho2, u1, u2, xvar1, xvar2) |
| compute characteristic variables using adjacent primitve states More...
elemental subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::setcharvars2d (cs, rho1, rho2, u1, u2, v1, v2, xvar1, xvar2, xvar3) |
| compute characteristic variables using adjacent primitve states More...
elemental subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::setcharvars3d (cs, rho1, rho2, u1, u2, v1, v2, w1, w2, xvar1, xvar2, xvar3, xvar4) |
| compute characteristic variables using adjacent primitve states More...
elemental subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::setboundarydata1d (delta, cs, rho1, u1, xvar1, xvar2, rho2, u2) |
| extrapolate boundary values using primitve and characteristic variables More...
elemental subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::setboundarydata2d (delta, cs, rho1, u1, v1, xvar1, xvar2, xvar3, rho2, u2, v2) |
elemental subroutine | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::setboundarydata3d (delta, cs, rho1, u1, v1, w1, xvar1, xvar2, xvar3, xvar4, rho2, u2, v2, w2) |
elemental real function | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::getgeometricalsourcex (cxyx, cxzx, cyxy, czxz, vx, vy, vz, P, my, mz) |
| geometrical momentum source terms P is the either isothermal pressure rho*cs**2 or the real pressure. More...
elemental real function | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::getgeometricalsourcey (cxyx, cyxy, cyzy, czyz, vx, vy, vz, P, mx, mz) |
| y-momentum geometrical source term More...
elemental real function | physics_eulerisotherm_mod::getgeometricalsourcez (cxzx, cyzy, czxz, czyz, vx, vy, vz, P, mx, my) |
| z-momentum geometrical source term More...