sedov.f90 File Reference

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Data Types

interface  sedov_mod::sedov_typ


module  sedov_mod
 module providing sedov class with basic init and solve subroutines


type(sedov_typ) function sedov_mod::createsedov (ndim, gamma, omega, rho0, E0, p0)
 constructor for sedov class More...
subroutine sedov_mod::initparams (this)
 sets constants according to Kamm & Timmes "On Efficient Generation of Numerically Robust Sedov Solutions", Tech report, 2007 see More...
subroutine sedov_mod::computeenergyintegral (this, J1, J2)
 compute the energy integral and set parameter alpha More...
subroutine sedov_mod::computesolution (this, t, r, rho, v, p)
 compute the energy integral and set parameter alpha More...
real function sedov_mod::shockposition (this, time)
subroutine sedov_mod::printconfiguration (this)
 prints configuration on the screen (stdout) More...
subroutine sedov_mod::abort (this, msg)
subroutine sedov_mod::destroy (this)
pure subroutine sedov_mod::funcd (y, fy, dfy, plist)
pure subroutine sedov_mod::func (y, fy, plist)
real function sedov_mod::func_j1 (x, plist)
real function sedov_mod::func_j2 (x, plist)
pure subroutine sedov_mod::funcd_lambda (V, plist, x1, x2, x3, lambda, dlambda)
pure real function sedov_mod::func_g (x1, x2, x3, x4, plist)
pure real function sedov_mod::func_lng (lnx1, lnx2, lnx3, lnx4, plist)
pure real function sedov_mod::func_h (x1, x2, x3, x4, plist)
pure real function sedov_mod::func_lnh (lnx1, lnx2, lnx3, lnx4, plist)


real, parameter sedov_mod::pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028842