Flux Calibration and System Temperature
Joachim Köppen Kiel 2020
If we want to use the telescope data for quantitative measurements
of the Sun, satellites and the Moon, we need to calibrate it in terms
of the radio flux that enters the telescope. The numbers we get from
the receiver are only a relative measure (in dB over 1 microVolt), and
they pertain to the input of the receiver only. Thus anything that
happens in the cable, in the LNB, and in the parabolic dish, we don't
know ... The designers supplied us with their
Flux calibration report. However, the properties of the receiving system change not only
over time, but also vary from day to day, and even during a longer observation.
Thus we need to flux-calibrate the instrument before and after a measurement,
by comparing its output with the signals measured of a radio source of known
properties. A convenient way is to use the thermal radio emission of the ground
- or a nearby building, like the Hotel - its temperature will be close to 300 K,
or if we want to be more accurate or conscientious: between 273 K (for 0 deg C
in winter) and 333 K (for 30 deg C in summer)! When we point the telescope to
this building, the entire antenna beam is filled with this radiation, and
therefore corresponds to this known temperature. The power measured by the receiving system of a radio telescope is basically
noise. It is the sum of various components: usually the internal noise of the
electronics (in particular of the first transistor in the LNB) gives the major
portion, while the radiation from the astronomical sources constitute only a
small portion. There also is the noise from the thermal radiation of the
Earth atmosphere, thermal ground radiation reaching the LNB feed horn from the
sides. Finally, noise from electrical machines and electronic
gadgets (computers, computer displays, switched-mode power supplies) can make
life difficult... The received power is just the sum of all this! The objective of the flux
calibration is to measure the noise level that a telescope receives
in the absence of an external source. The system temperature
is the temperature which gives the same noise power (Note that because
the power of thermal noise is proportional to temperature: p=kBT,
with Boltzmann's constant kB, temperature is a convenient
measure of power!) Let us first consider a crude but simple method of flux calibration:
We shall assume that only the internal noise from the receiver is important
and that the sky is perfectly cold.
The first measurement gives:
as the received noise is the sum from the calibrator and the internal noise.
The factor a is an unknown scale factor, which we need to determine.
The second measurement gives:
as we had neglected the noise from the sky. In principle, we could have assumed
the 2.7 K from the cosmic microwave background ...
From only two measurements we can determine the system temperature
as well as the scale factor
However, this simple method neglects the atmospheric noise, which is important at 11 GHz,
and whose neglect could lead to systematic errors in the data deduced from the
observations. A better method requires more measurements and a somewhat more complex
While the internal receiver noise and the 2.7 K Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) are the same
for all elevations, the sky noise varies with elevation. It increases towards lower elevation.
Fortunately this variation can
be easily modeled, because the noise comes from the troposphere, which is only a very
thin (8 km) layer of the Earth atmosphere. It thus can be treated as a plane-parallel
layer, and the noise power is proportional to 1/sin(elevation):
where Tzen is the temperature extrapolated to the zenith.
Thus, measurements of the sky noise at several elevations allow us to separate the
sky noise from the other components, as shown in a schematic plot The interpretation is straight forward:
Matching the data with a straight line results in the line slope m and
the Y-axis offset b, the value at 1/sin ε=0. This value is not represented
by any real elevation angle, but one would obtain this extrapolated value in the absence
of the Earth atmosphere!
The data are a measure of the power received by the antenna, but expressed in some
arbitrary units, determined by the apparatus. If these are given in dB (deciBel),
they need to be converted in linear powers (p = 10dB/10). In order to
convert the raw values into antenna temperatures, we need to determine the
scale factor a:
which includes all contributions from the source, the atmosphere, the receiver, and the
microwave background. To resolve this, we execute a flux calibration: the antenna is pointed
to the ground, a building, or a nearby dense grove of trees,
which fills the antenna beam completely with its thermal radiation
(at Tcal = 290 K):
Since we do not point to the sky, there are no contributions from atmosphere and CMB.
From the sketch one recognizes that
Hence the scale factor is
Primitive Version
Full Method of Flux Calibration
Red squares represent measured data, the blue dots mark points that are extrapolated from
the data.
and one obtains the system temperature:
Finally, from p(zenith) = m + b = aTzen + b one gets from the slope the antenna temperature at the zenith
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last update: Oct 2020 J.Köppen