Stellar Evolution Tracks
J.Köppen Strasbourg/Illkirch/Kiel May 2001
The StellarEvolution Applet displays
the properties of stars of different masses and for different ages.
The screen is organized in a plotting area and some control butttons:
The controls on the top are:
- Clear wipes the plot
- X= and Y= allow to select which parameter is
to be plotted as abscissa and ordinate. The parameters are:
effective temperature, luminosity, radius, mass, surface
gravity, age (either linear or logarithmic), phoptometric
colours U, B, V, and colour indices U-B and B-V.
- drag & zoom after clicking the button, drag the mouse
over a rectangle in the plot area. After releasing the mouse
the plot will be zommed into this rectangle
- unZoom restores the full view
The controls on the side are:
- Z=0.02 allows to select the metallicity of the stars
between 0.001, 0.004, 0.008, 0.02 (solar), and 0.04
- Mass enter the stellar mass in the text field (in solar units)
- Evolutionary Track will draw the track of a star of this
mass as a black curve, from zero age to the specified maximum age
- Age enter the age in the text field (in Gyr)
- Isochrone draws the positions of stars of any mass but
of the specified age as a red curve
- Star draws the position of the star of given mass and
age as a small black dot, and its effective temperature and luminosity
are displayed in the field below. Note: if no dot appears, the star has
already finished its life.
Clicking on the plotting area will cause the x and y coordinates being
displayed above the plot.
These evolutionary tracks are results of computations for spherically
symmetric, non-rotating stars by the Geneva group.
Note that they do not include the evolution beyond the
red giant branch: the ascent up the asymptotic giant branch
(AGB), evolution from AGB to white dwarfs, cooling sequence of white
dwarfs, and the horizontal branch are not shown here.
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