type(filehandle_fortran) function | fileio_base_mod::createfilehandle (filename, path, extension, textfile) |
| constructor for Fortran file handle More...
subroutine | fileio_base_mod::initfilehandle (this, filename, path, extension, textfile, onefile, cycles, unit) |
| basic initialization of Fortran file handle More...
subroutine | fileio_base_mod::initfileio_base (this, Mesh, Physics, Timedisc, Sources, config, IO, fmtname, fext, textfile) |
| Basic FileIO initialization. More...
subroutine | fileio_base_mod::writedataset (this, Mesh, Physics, Fluxes, Timedisc, Header, IO) |
| Write all data registered for output to the data file. More...
subroutine | fileio_base_mod::getendianness (this, res, littlestr, bigstr) |
| Determines the endianness of the system. More...
pure subroutine | fileio_base_mod::inctime (this) |
| Increments the counter for timesteps and sets the time for next output. More...
pure subroutine | fileio_base_mod::adjusttimestep (this, time, dt, dtcause) |
| Adjust the current timestep. More...
subroutine | fileio_base_mod::finalize_base (this) |
| Generic destructor of the file I/O. More...
subroutine | fileio_base_mod::openfile (this, action, step) |
| Open file to access Fortran stream. More...
integer function | fileio_base_mod::getunitnumber (this) |
| get Fortran i/o unit number More...
integer function | fileio_base_mod::getstatus (this, step) |
| get Fortran file status More...
character(len=16) function | fileio_base_mod::getformat (this) |
| get Fortran i/o format string More...
pure character(len=fcyclen) function | fileio_base_mod::getstepstring (this, step) |
| Get the time step as string with leading zeros. More...
character(len=256) function | fileio_base_mod::getbasename (this, step) |
| get the file name without path and extension but with step string appended; if thisonefile suppress the time step string More...
character(len=256) function | fileio_base_mod::getfilename (this, step) |
| Return file name of Fortran stream with full path and extension. More...
subroutine | fileio_base_mod::closefile (this, step) |
| close Fortran stream More...
subroutine | fileio_base_mod::finalize_fortran (this) |
| destructor of Fortran stream handle More...
subroutine | fileio_base_mod::openfile_mpi (this, action, step) |
| Open file for input/ouput in parallel mode. More...
subroutine | fileio_base_mod::initfilehandle_mpi (this, filename, path, extension, textfile, onefile, cycles, unit) |
| basic initialization of MPI file handle More...
integer function | fileio_base_mod::getstatus_mpi (this, step) |
| get MPI file status More...
subroutine | fileio_base_mod::closefile_mpi (this, step) |
| close MPI file More...
subroutine | fileio_base_mod::finalize_mpi (this) |
| destructor of MPI file handle handle More...
file status and access modes
integer, parameter | fileio_base_mod::closed = 0 |
| file closed More...
integer, parameter | fileio_base_mod::readonly = 1 |
| readonly access More...
integer, parameter | fileio_base_mod::readend = 2 |
| readonly access at end More...
integer, parameter | fileio_base_mod::replace = 3 |
| read/write access replacing file More...
integer, parameter | fileio_base_mod::append = 4 |
| read/write access at end More...
integer, parameter | fileio_base_mod::open_undef = 5 |
| open with undefined io action/position More...
integer, parameter | fileio_base_mod::fortranfile = 1 |
integer, parameter | fileio_base_mod::mpifile = 2 |
integer, parameter, public | fileio_base_mod::binary = 1 |
| file I/O types More...
integer, parameter, public | fileio_base_mod::gnuplot = 2 |
integer, parameter, public | fileio_base_mod::vtk = 4 |
integer, parameter, public | fileio_base_mod::xdmf = 7 |