fileio_vtk.f90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  fileio_vtk_mod::filehandle_vts
 names of fluxes More...
type  fileio_vtk_mod::fileio_vtk
 FileIO class for VTK output. More...


module  fileio_vtk_mod
 I/O for VTK files in XML format (vtkStructuredGrid)

Private Attributes

some restrictions to shape & amount of output data

integer, parameter fileio_vtk_mod::maxcomp = 9
 max. of allowed components 9 is a tensor (rank 2, dim 3) More...
integer, parameter fileio_vtk_mod::maxcols = 64
 max of different output arrays More...
character, parameter fileio_vtk_mod::lf = ACHAR(10)
 line feed More...

handling multiple data files with process rank in their names

integer, parameter fileio_vtk_mod::rank_str_len = 5
 length of multi process rank string More...


subroutine fileio_vtk_mod::initfileio_vtk (this, Mesh, Physics, Timedisc, Sources, config, IO)
 Constructor for the VTK file I/O. More...
subroutine fileio_vtk_mod::writeparaviewfile (this)
 Write the Paraview global description file. More...
subroutine fileio_vtk_mod::writeheader (this, Mesh, Physics, Header, IO)
 Writes XML header to file. More...
subroutine fileio_vtk_mod::writedataset_vtk (this, Mesh, Physics, Fluxes, Timedisc, Header, IO)
 Reads the header (not yet implemented) More...
subroutine fileio_vtk_mod::finalize (this)
 Destructor of VTK file I/O class. More...
subroutine fileio_vtk_mod::initfilehandle (this, filename, path, extension, textfile, onefile, cycles, unit)
 basic initialization of Fortran file handle with extension for parallel vts files More...
character(len=256) function fileio_vtk_mod::getbasename (this, step)
 get file name of Fortran stream including rank and time step More...
character(len=rank_str_len) function fileio_vtk_mod::getrankstring (this, rank)
 convert process rank to string More...