fileio_vtk_mod Module Reference

I/O for VTK files in XML format (vtkStructuredGrid) More...

Data Types

type  filehandle_vts
 names of fluxes More...
type  fileio_vtk
 FileIO class for VTK output. More...

Private Attributes

some restrictions to shape & amount of output data

integer, parameter maxcomp = 9
 max. of allowed components 9 is a tensor (rank 2, dim 3) More...
integer, parameter maxcols = 64
 max of different output arrays More...
character, parameter lf = ACHAR(10)
 line feed More...

handling multiple data files with process rank in their names

integer, parameter rank_str_len = 5
 length of multi process rank string More...


subroutine initfileio_vtk (this, Mesh, Physics, Timedisc, Sources, config, IO)
 Constructor for the VTK file I/O. More...
subroutine writeparaviewfile (this)
 Write the Paraview global description file. More...
subroutine writeheader (this, Mesh, Physics, Header, IO)
 Writes XML header to file. More...
subroutine writedataset_vtk (this, Mesh, Physics, Fluxes, Timedisc, Header, IO)
 Reads the header (not yet implemented) More...
subroutine finalize (this)
 Destructor of VTK file I/O class. More...
subroutine initfilehandle (this, filename, path, extension, textfile, onefile, cycles, unit)
 basic initialization of Fortran file handle with extension for parallel vts files More...
character(len=256) function getbasename (this, step)
 get file name of Fortran stream including rank and time step More...
character(len=rank_str_len) function getrankstring (this, rank)
 convert process rank to string More...

Detailed Description

I/O for VTK files in XML format (vtkStructuredGrid)

Björn Sperling
Tobias Illenseer
Jannes Klee

This module implements VTK file I/O to write vts files (vtkStructuredGrid) in XML syntax. Each output file contains a single timestep. In case of parallel computation there is one file per job (and timestep) and only one global container file (pvts) which groups all vts files. Additionally a PVD file is generated, which can be used to load the data in Paraview.


Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ finalize()

subroutine fileio_vtk_mod::finalize ( type(fileio_vtk), intent(inout)  this)

Destructor of VTK file I/O class.

[in,out]this[in,out] this fileio type

Definition at line 920 of file fileio_vtk.f90.

◆ getbasename()

character(len=256) function fileio_vtk_mod::getbasename ( class(filehandle_vts), intent(in)  this,
integer, intent(in)  step 

get file name of Fortran stream including rank and time step

[in]this[in] this file handle
[in]step[in] step time step

Definition at line 958 of file fileio_vtk.f90.

◆ getrankstring()

character(len=rank_str_len) function fileio_vtk_mod::getrankstring ( class(filehandle_vts), intent(in)  this,
integer, intent(in), optional  rank 

convert process rank to string

[in]this[in] this file handle
[in]rank[in] rank process rank

Definition at line 970 of file fileio_vtk.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ initfilehandle()

subroutine fileio_vtk_mod::initfilehandle ( class(filehandle_vts), intent(inout)  this,
character(len=*), intent(in)  filename,
character(len=*), intent(in)  path,
character(len=*), intent(in), optional  extension,
logical, intent(in), optional  textfile,
logical, intent(in), optional  onefile,
integer, intent(in), optional  cycles,
integer, intent(in), optional  unit 

basic initialization of Fortran file handle with extension for parallel vts files

[in,out]this[inout] this file handle class
[in]filename[in] filename file name without extension
[in]path[in] path file path without filename
[in]extension[in] extension file name extension
[in]textfile[in] textfile true for text data
[in]onefile[in] onefile true if all data goes into one file
[in]cycles\parma [in] cycles max number of files
[in]unit\parma [in] unit force fortran i/o unit number

Definition at line 935 of file fileio_vtk.f90.

◆ initfileio_vtk()

subroutine fileio_vtk_mod::initfileio_vtk ( class(fileio_vtk), intent(inout)  this,
class(mesh_base), intent(in)  Mesh,
class(physics_base), intent(in)  Physics,
class(timedisc_base), intent(in)  Timedisc,
class(sources_list), intent(in), allocatable  Sources,
type(dict_typ), intent(in), pointer  config,
type(dict_typ), intent(in), pointer  IO 

Constructor for the VTK file I/O.

Initilizes the file I/O type, filename, stoptime, number of outputs, number of files, unit number, config as a dict

[in,out]this[in,out] this fileio type
[in]mesh[in] Mesh mesh type
[in]physics[in] Physics Physics type
[in]timedisc[in] Physics Physics type
[in]sources[in] Sources sources type
[in]config[in] IO Dictionary for I/O
[in]io[in] IO Dictionary for I/O
This is most probably broken !

Definition at line 149 of file fileio_vtk.f90.

◆ writedataset_vtk()

subroutine fileio_vtk_mod::writedataset_vtk ( class(fileio_vtk), intent(inout)  this,
class(mesh_base), intent(in)  Mesh,
class(physics_base), intent(inout)  Physics,
class(fluxes_base), intent(in)  Fluxes,
class(timedisc_base), intent(in)  Timedisc,
type(dict_typ), pointer  Header,
type(dict_typ), pointer  IO 

Reads the header (not yet implemented)

Writes all desired data arrays to a file

[in,out]this[in,out] this fileio type
[in]mesh[in] mesh mesh type
[in,out]physics[in] physics physics type
[in]fluxes[in] fluxes fluxes type
[in]timedisc[in] timedisc timedisc type
header[in,out] IO I/O dictionary
io[in,out] IO I/O dictionary
: implement generic output routine for non-field/non-scalar data

Definition at line 651 of file fileio_vtk.f90.

◆ writeheader()

subroutine fileio_vtk_mod::writeheader ( class(fileio_vtk), intent(inout)  this,
class(mesh_base), intent(in)  Mesh,
class(physics_base), intent(in)  Physics,
type(dict_typ), pointer  Header,
type(dict_typ), pointer  IO 

Writes XML header to file.

[in,out]this[in,out] this fileio type
[in]mesh[in] mesh mesh type
[in]physics[in] physics physics type
io[in,out] IO I/O dictionary
header[in,out] config config dictionary

Definition at line 568 of file fileio_vtk.f90.

◆ writeparaviewfile()

subroutine fileio_vtk_mod::writeparaviewfile ( class(fileio_vtk), intent(inout)  this)

Write the Paraview global description file.

Definition at line 378 of file fileio_vtk.f90.

Variable Documentation

◆ lf

character, parameter fileio_vtk_mod::lf = ACHAR(10)

line feed

Definition at line 81 of file fileio_vtk.f90.

◆ maxcols

integer, parameter fileio_vtk_mod::maxcols = 64

max of different output arrays

Definition at line 80 of file fileio_vtk.f90.

◆ maxcomp

integer, parameter fileio_vtk_mod::maxcomp = 9

max. of allowed components 9 is a tensor (rank 2, dim 3)

Definition at line 78 of file fileio_vtk.f90.

◆ rank_str_len

integer, parameter fileio_vtk_mod::rank_str_len = 5

length of multi process rank string

Definition at line 85 of file fileio_vtk.f90.