Todo List
- Module boundary_axis_mod
- compiles, but strange behavior at axis. Be carefull
- Module boundary_shearing_mod
- Implementation for shearing in third dimension is not included, yet.
- Subprogram fileio_vtk_mod::writedataset_vtk (this, Mesh, Physics, Fluxes, Timedisc, Header, IO)
- : implement generic output routine for non-field/non-scalar data
- Module fluxes_base_mod
- implement constructor and other fluxes, e.g. HLLC
- Subprogram fluxes_base_mod::getboundaryflux (this, Mesh, Physics, direction, comm)
- MPI communication
- Subprogram fluxes_kt_mod::initfluxes_kt (this, Mesh, Physics, config, IO)
- remove this in future version, no longer needed
- Subprogram gravity_sboxspectral_mod::calcpotential (this, Mesh, Physics, time, pvar)
- Violation of best practices. It should take Fmass2D and mass2D as dummy argument, but this is different for every combination NEC$ IEXPAND
- Module marray_compound_mod
- improve error handling for compound arrays
- Subprogram mesh_base_mod::initmesh (this, config, IO, mtype, mname)
- check if min/max coordinates are compatible with the restrictions imposed by the geometry
- Subprogram mesh_base_mod::west
- Check why this is not in boundary base?!
- Subprogram physics_euler_mod::initphysics (this, Mesh, config, IO)
- remove / improve in future version set array indices for 1st,2nd,3rd non-vanishing velocities this may actually not coincide with the x,y and z-velocities
- Subprogram physics_euler_mod::setroeaverages (gamma, rhoL, rhoR, ul, uR, vL, vR, pL, pR, eL, eR, u, cs)
- NOT VERIFIED only for advanced wavespeeds
- Subprogram physics_eulerisotherm_mod::assignmarray_0 (this, ma)
- make this more generic, i.e. this should not depend on the position in the list of compound items
- Subprogram physics_eulerisotherm_mod::initphysics (this, Mesh, config, IO)
- remove / improve in future version set array indices for 1st,2nd,3rd non-vanishing velocities this may actually not coincide with the x,y and z-velocities
- Module reconstruction_linear_mod
fix broken output of slopes, uncomment the lines below yields segfault
- Subprogram rti
- implement 3D test in cylindrical geometry with and without axial symmetry
- Subprogram sblintheo
- {upload python script!}
- Module sources
- This module can only be used with fixed 2D plane in x-y direction. It should be no problem to make it also run in 3D.
- Subprogram sources_gravity_mod::externalsources (this, Mesh, Physics, Fluxes, Sources, time, dt, pvar, cvar, sterm)
- The treatment of energy sources should be handled in the physics module and not here!
- Subprogram sources_gravity_mod::initsources (this, Mesh, Physics, Fluxes, config, IO)
- check if this is sufficient, what we really need is to check whether the geometry is flat or not
- Subprogram sources_planetcooling_mod::setoutput (this, Mesh, config, IO)
- allocate output arrays P_s and RHO_s only if requested
- Subprogram sources_planetheating_mod::updateplanetheating (this, Mesh, Physics, time, pvar)
- It seems that the result does not depend on the current position angle, i.e. the true anomaly. However, this should in general be the case.
- Subprogram sources_viscosity_mod::initsources (this, Mesh, Physics, Fluxes, config, IO)
- check if this is really sufficient
- Subprogram timedisc_base_mod::computerhs (this, Mesh, Physics, Sources, Fluxes, time, dt, pvar, cvar, checkdatabm, rhs)
- Very hacky implementation of pluto style angular momentum conservation. A better implementation is needed, but we would need to restucture the timedisc module
- Subprogram timedisc_base_mod::getcentrifugalvelocity (this, Mesh, Physics, Fluxes, Sources, dir_omega_, accel_, centrot)
- move code depending on physics into appropriate subroutines in physics modules