
Includes all source terms. More...


module  sources_base_mod
 generic source terms module providing functionaly common to all source terms
module  sources_c_accel_mod
 source terms module for constant acceleration
module  sources_cooling_mod
 source terms module for simple optically thin cooling
module  sources_diskcooling_mod
 source terms module for cooling of geometrically thin accretion disks
module  sources_gravity_mod
 generic gravity terms module providing functionaly common to all gravity terms
module  sources_planetcooling_mod
 gray cooling of planetary atmospheres
module  sources_planetheating_mod
 heating of a planet by a star
module  sources_shearbox_mod
 Source terms module for fictious forces in a shearingsheet.
module  sources_viscosity_mod
 computes momentum and energy sources due to shear stresses

Detailed Description

Includes all source terms.

source term module for shearing forces in a shearingsheet

  • general parameters of sources group as key-values
    INTEGER stype \nType of source
  • parameters of sources_cooling as key-values
    REAL cvis = 0.1\nsafety factor for numerical stability
    REAL switchon = -1.0\nsoft switch on
    REAL Tmin = 1.0E-30\nset a minimum temperature
    INTEGER output/Qcool = 0\nenable(=1) output of cooling function
  • parameters of sources_diskcooling as key-values
    INTEGER method \ncooling model (GRAY or GAMMIE)
    REAL cvis = 0.1\nsafety factor for numerical stability
    REAL Tmin = 1.0E-30\nset a minimum temperature
    REAL rhomin = 1.0E-30\nset a minimum density
    REAL b_cool = 1.0\ncooling parameter
    REAL b_start = 1.0\nstarting cooling parameter
    REAL b_final = 1.0\nfinal cooling parameter
    REAL t_start = 0.0\ntime to start decreasing value of beta from b_start
    REAL dt_bdec = 0.0\ntime over which b_cool should reach its final value
    beginning at t_start
    INTEGER output/Qcool = 0\nenable(=1) output of cooling function
  • general parameters of gravity group as key-values
    INTEGER energy \nAdd source terms to energy equation?
  • parameters of sources_planetcooling as key-values
    use SI units for initialization parameters
    REAL cvis = 0.9\nsafety factor for numerical stability
    REAL radflux \nradiant stellar flux density at 1 AU
    REAL albedo = 0.5\nBond albedo of planetary atmosphere
    REAL mean_distance = 1 AU\ntemporal mean distance planet to star
    REAL T_0 \nlong term equilibrium surface temperature of the planet
    REAL gacc \ngravitational accelaration on the planets surface
  • parameters of sources_planetheating as key-values
    REAL cvis = 0.1\nsafety factor for numerical stability
    REAL intensity \nintensity of the star at 1 AU
    REAL albedo \nalbedo of the planet
    REAL distance \nsemi-major axis of planet-star
    REAL mu \nmolar mass of planetary atmsophere
    REAL omegasun = 0.0\nangular velocity of planet
    REAL year \ntime of a year
    REAL gacc \ngravitational accelaration on the surface of the planet
    REAL gamma \nratio of heats for planet
    REAL tetha0 = 0.0\nbeginning (and maximum) inclindation to ecliptic
    REAL phi0 = 0.0\nbeginning azimuthal angle
  • parameters of sources_rotframe as key-values
    INTEGER disable_centaccel = 0)\nenable/disable (0|1) centrifugal acceleration
  • parameters of sources_shearbox as key-values
This module can only be used with fixed 2D plane in x-y direction. It should be no problem to make it also run in 3D.
  • parameters of sources_viscosity as key-values
    INTEGER vismodel \nviscosity model
    REAL dynconst = 0.1\ndynamic viscosity constant
    REAL bulkconst = -2/3*dynconst\nbulk viscosity constant
    REAL exponent = 0.0\npower law exponent
    REAL cvis = 0.5\nviscous courant number
    INTEGER output/stress = 0\nenable(=1) output of the stress tensor
    INTEGER output/dynvis = 0\nenable(=1) output of dynamic viscosity
    INTEGER output/kinvis = 0\nenable(=1) output of kinematic viscosity
    INTEGER output/bulkvis = 0\nenable(=1) output of bulk viscosity