gravity_spectral.f90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  gravity_spectral_mod::gravity_spectral


module  gravity_spectral_mod
 2D poisson solver using spectral methods for direct integration


elemental real function gravity_spectral_mod::greenfunction (dr2, green, sigma)
 Green's function. More...


real, parameter gravity_spectral_mod::sqrttwopi = 2.50662827463100050241576528481104525300698674

Variables in Parallel Mode

subroutine gravity_spectral_mod::initgravity_spectral (this, Mesh, Physics, config, IO)
subroutine gravity_spectral_mod::setoutput (this, Mesh, Physics, config, IO)
integer function gravity_spectral_mod::calcmcut (this, Mesh)
subroutine gravity_spectral_mod::calcpotential (this, Mesh, Physics, time, pvar)
subroutine gravity_spectral_mod::precomputei (this, Mesh, Physics)
 Precomputes the fourier transform. More...
subroutine gravity_spectral_mod::updategravity_single (this, Mesh, Physics, Fluxes, pvar, time, dt)
subroutine gravity_spectral_mod::calcdiskheight_single (this, Mesh, Physics, pvar, bccsound, h_ext, height)
 compute disk pressure scale height for geometrically thin self-gravitating disks More...
subroutine gravity_spectral_mod::finalize (this)