Test List
- Subprogram bondi2d
- Bondi 2D accretion
- Subprogram bondi3d
- Bondi 3D accretion
- Subprogram collapse
- collapse with/without angular momentum and self-gravity
- Subprogram ode_test
- time stepping methods using 2D sedov explosion simulation
- Subprogram poiseuille
- Poisseuille flow through a pipe
- Subprogram pringle_test
- Jim Pringles famous viscous spreading ring solution
- Subprogram riemann1d
- Eight different tests, which show the numerical solution for 1D isothermal and non-isothermal Euler equations with piecewise constant initial conditions.
- Subprogram riemann2d
- 19 different 2D Riemann problems for the inviscid Euler equations
- Subprogram riemann3d
- 3D Riemann problem
- Subprogram rngtest
- Check some known values of the random numbers
- Subprogram rootstest
- Check solutions of root finding algorithms
- Subprogram rti
- Rayleight-Taylor instability
- Subprogram sblintheo
Program and data initialization for the linear theory test in a shearingsheet.
Program and data initialization for the linear theory test in a SB.
- Subprogram shear
- Test shear flow
- Subprogram specialfunctions
- Check some known values of special functions
- Subprogram vortex3d
- 3D isothermal/isentropic vortex