constants_si_mod Module Reference

module for SI units and physical constants More...

Data Types

type  constants_si


subroutine initconstants_si (this)
 Constructor of physical constants module using SI units. More...


character(len=32), parameter units_name = 'SI'
real, parameter, public c = 2.99792458E+08
 vacuum speed of light [m/s] More...
real, parameter, public gn = 6.6742E-11
 gravitational constant [m^3/kg/s^2] More...
real, parameter, public kb = 1.3806505E-23
 Boltzmann constant [J/K]. More...
real, parameter, public na = 6.022E+23
 Avogadro constant [1/mol]. More...
real, parameter, public sb = 5.6704E-8
 Stefan-Boltzmann constant [W/m^2/K^4]. More...
real, parameter, public ke = 3.48E-02
 electron scattering opacity [m^2/kg] More...
real, parameter, public au = 1.49597870691D+11
 astronomical unit [m] More...
real, parameter, public msun = 1.9885D+30
 sun mass [kg] More...
real, parameter, public mjupiter = 1.89819D+27
 jupiter mass [kg] More...
real, parameter, public mearth = 5.9723D+24
 earth mass [kg] More...
real, parameter, public rsun = 6.957E+8
 sun radius [m] More...
real, parameter, public rjupiter = 6.9911E+7
 jupiter radius [m] More...
real, parameter, public rearth = 6.371E+6
 earth radius [m] More...
real, parameter, public day = 8.64E+4
 length of a day [s] More...
real, parameter, public pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028842

Detailed Description

module for SI units and physical constants

Tobias Illenseer
Manuel Jung

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ initconstants_si()

subroutine constants_si_mod::initconstants_si ( class(constants_si), intent(inout)  this)

Constructor of physical constants module using SI units.

Definition at line 76 of file constants_SI.f90.

Variable Documentation

◆ au

real, parameter, public constants_si_mod::au = 1.49597870691D+11

astronomical unit [m]

Definition at line 49 of file constants_SI.f90.

◆ c

real, parameter, public constants_si_mod::c = 2.99792458E+08

vacuum speed of light [m/s]

Definition at line 49 of file constants_SI.f90.

◆ day

real, parameter, public constants_si_mod::day = 8.64E+4

length of a day [s]

Definition at line 49 of file constants_SI.f90.

◆ gn

real, parameter, public constants_si_mod::gn = 6.6742E-11

gravitational constant [m^3/kg/s^2]

Definition at line 49 of file constants_SI.f90.

◆ kb

real, parameter, public constants_si_mod::kb = 1.3806505E-23

Boltzmann constant [J/K].

Definition at line 49 of file constants_SI.f90.

◆ ke

real, parameter, public constants_si_mod::ke = 3.48E-02

electron scattering opacity [m^2/kg]

Definition at line 49 of file constants_SI.f90.

◆ mearth

real, parameter, public constants_si_mod::mearth = 5.9723D+24

earth mass [kg]

Definition at line 49 of file constants_SI.f90.

◆ mjupiter

real, parameter, public constants_si_mod::mjupiter = 1.89819D+27

jupiter mass [kg]

Definition at line 49 of file constants_SI.f90.

◆ msun

real, parameter, public constants_si_mod::msun = 1.9885D+30

sun mass [kg]

Definition at line 49 of file constants_SI.f90.

◆ na

real, parameter, public constants_si_mod::na = 6.022E+23

Avogadro constant [1/mol].

Definition at line 49 of file constants_SI.f90.

◆ pi

real, parameter, public constants_si_mod::pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028842

Definition at line 49 of file constants_SI.f90.

◆ rearth

real, parameter, public constants_si_mod::rearth = 6.371E+6

earth radius [m]

Definition at line 49 of file constants_SI.f90.

◆ rjupiter

real, parameter, public constants_si_mod::rjupiter = 6.9911E+7

jupiter radius [m]

Definition at line 49 of file constants_SI.f90.

◆ rsun

real, parameter, public constants_si_mod::rsun = 6.957E+8

sun radius [m]

Definition at line 49 of file constants_SI.f90.

◆ sb

real, parameter, public constants_si_mod::sb = 5.6704E-8

Stefan-Boltzmann constant [W/m^2/K^4].

Definition at line 49 of file constants_SI.f90.

◆ units_name

character(len=32), parameter constants_si_mod::units_name = 'SI'

Definition at line 45 of file constants_SI.f90.