sources_diskcooling.f90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  sources_diskcooling_mod::sources_diskcooling


module  sources_diskcooling_mod
 source terms module for cooling of geometrically thin accretion disks


subroutine sources_diskcooling_mod::initsources (this, Mesh, Physics, Fluxes, config, IO)
 Constructor of disk cooling module. More...
subroutine sources_diskcooling_mod::infosources (this, Mesh)
subroutine sources_diskcooling_mod::updatecooling (this, Mesh, Physics, time, pvar)
 Updates the cooling function at each time step. More...
elemental real function sources_diskcooling_mod::rosselandmeanopacity_new (logrho, logT)
elemental real function sources_diskcooling_mod::lambda_gray (Sigma, h, Tc, rho0, T0, Qf)
 Gray cooling. More...
elemental real function sources_diskcooling_mod::lambda_gammie (Eint, t_cool_inv)
 Gammie cooling. More...
subroutine sources_diskcooling_mod::finalize (this)


character(len=32), parameter sources_diskcooling_mod::source_name = "thin accretion disk cooling"
integer, parameter, public sources_diskcooling_mod::gray = 1
integer, parameter, public sources_diskcooling_mod::gammie = 2
integer, parameter, public sources_diskcooling_mod::gammie_sb = 3
character(len=28), dimension(3), parameter sources_diskcooling_mod::cooling_name = (/ "Gray disk cooling ", "Gammie disk cooling ", "Gammie shearing box cooling" /)
real, parameter sources_diskcooling_mod::sqrt_three = 1.73205080757
real, parameter sources_diskcooling_mod::sqrt_twopi = 2.50662827463
real, dimension(8), parameter sources_diskcooling_mod::logkappa0 = (/ -10.8197782844, 35.2319235755, -4.60517018599, 177.992199341, -25.3284360229, -87.4982335338, 37.246826596, -3.3581378922 /)
real, dimension(8), parameter sources_diskcooling_mod::texp = (/ 2.0, -7.0, 0.5, -24.0, 3.0, 10.0, -2.5, 0.0 /)
real, dimension(8), parameter sources_diskcooling_mod::rexp = (/ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2./3., 1./3., 1.0, 0.0 /)
real, parameter sources_diskcooling_mod::t0 = 3000