timedisc_base.f90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  timedisc_base_mod::timedisc_base
interface  timedisc_base_mod::SolveODE
interface  timedisc_base_mod::Finalize


module  timedisc_base_mod


subroutine timedisc_base_mod::setoutput (this, Mesh, Physics, config, IO)
subroutine timedisc_base_mod::acceptsolution (this, Mesh, Physics, Sources, Fluxes, time, dt, iter)
subroutine timedisc_base_mod::checkdata (this, Mesh, Physics, Fluxes, pvar, cvar, checkdatabm)
 compute the RHS of the spatially discretized PDE More...
pure integer function timedisc_base_mod::getorder (this)
elemental subroutine cross_product (ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, aXbx, aXby, aXbz)


integer, parameter, public timedisc_base_mod::modified_euler = 1
integer, parameter, public timedisc_base_mod::rk_fehlberg = 2
integer, parameter, public timedisc_base_mod::cash_karp = 3
integer, parameter, public timedisc_base_mod::dormand_prince = 4
integer, parameter, public timedisc_base_mod::ssprk = 5
integer, parameter, public timedisc_base_mod::dtcause_cfl = 0
integer, parameter, public timedisc_base_mod::dtcause_erradj = -1
integer, parameter, public timedisc_base_mod::dtcause_smallerr = -2
integer, parameter, public timedisc_base_mod::dtcause_fileio = -4
 smallest ts due to fileio More...
integer, parameter, public timedisc_base_mod::check_nothing = INT(b'0')
integer, parameter, public timedisc_base_mod::check_all = NOT(CHECK_NOTHING)
integer, parameter, public timedisc_base_mod::check_csound = INT(b'1')
integer, parameter, public timedisc_base_mod::check_pmin = INT(b'10')
integer, parameter, public timedisc_base_mod::check_rhomin = INT(b'100')
integer, parameter, public timedisc_base_mod::check_invalid = INT(b'1000')
integer, parameter, public timedisc_base_mod::check_tmin = INT(b'10000')
character(len=40), dimension(3), parameter timedisc_base_mod::fargo_method = (/ "dynamic background velocity ", "user supplied fixed background velocity ", "shearing box " /)
subroutine timedisc_base_mod::inittimedisc (this, Mesh, Physics, config, IO, ttype, tname)
subroutine timedisc_base_mod::integrationstep (this, Mesh, Physics, Sources, Fluxes, iter, config, IO)
real function timedisc_base_mod::adjusttimestep (this, maxerr, dtold)
 adjust the time step More...
real function timedisc_base_mod::calctimestep (this, Mesh, Physics, Sources, Fluxes, time, dtcause)
 Determines the CFL time step and time step limits due to source terms. More...
subroutine timedisc_base_mod::rejectsolution (this, Mesh, Physics, Sources, Fluxes, time, dt)
real function timedisc_base_mod::computeerror (this, Mesh, Physics, cvar_high, cvar_low)
subroutine timedisc_base_mod::computerhs (this, Mesh, Physics, Sources, Fluxes, time, dt, pvar, cvar, checkdatabm, rhs)
 compute the RHS of the spatially discretized PDE More...
pure real function timedisc_base_mod::getcfl (this)
subroutine timedisc_base_mod::fargoadvectionx (this, Fluxes, Mesh, Physics, Sources)
 Calculates the linear transport step in Fargo Scheme along x-axis [34] . More...
subroutine timedisc_base_mod::fargoadvectiony (this, Fluxes, Mesh, Physics, Sources)
 Calculates the linear transport step in Fargo Scheme along y-axis [34] . More...
subroutine timedisc_base_mod::fargoadvectionz (this, Fluxes, Mesh, Physics, Sources)
 Calculates the linear transport step in Fargo Scheme along z-axis [34] . More...
subroutine timedisc_base_mod::calcbackgroundvelocity (this, Mesh, Physics, pvar, cvar)
 Calculates new background velocity for fargo advection. More...
real function, dimension(mesh%igmin:mesh%igmax, mesh%jgmin:mesh%jgmax, mesh%kgmin:mesh%kgmax, physics%vdim) timedisc_base_mod::getcentrifugalvelocity (this, Mesh, Physics, Fluxes, Sources, dir_omega_, accel_, centrot)
 Compute velocity leading to a centrifugal acceleration with respect to some given axis of rotation which balances any local radial acceleration. If the acceleration is not given explicitly determine it from a complete evaluation of of the right hand side of the transport problem. More...
subroutine timedisc_base_mod::finalize_base (this)

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ cross_product()

elemental subroutine getcentrifugalvelocity::cross_product ( real, intent(in)  ax,
real, intent(in)  ay,
real, intent(in)  az,
real, intent(in)  bx,
real, intent(in)  by,
real, intent(in)  bz,
real, intent(out)  aXbx,
real, intent(out)  aXby,
real, intent(out)  aXbz 

Definition at line 2519 of file timedisc_base.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function: