Scientific Rationale
The goal of this workshop is to provide a common platform for scientists working in the fields of star- and planet formation, exo-planets, astrobiology, and planetary research in general.
Most importantly, this workshop is aimed at stimulating and intensifying the dialogue between researchers using various approaches - observations, theory, and laboratory studies.
In particular Students and Postdocs are encouraged to present their results and to use the opportunity to learn more about the main questions and most recent results in adjacent fields.
Session Topics
Planet formation in circumstellar disks
- Circumstellar disks
(formation, structure, evolution) - Properties and evolution of the
gas and dust phase - Planet formation
- Laboratory experiments:
Grain growth & The role of Ices - Planet-disk interaction
- Planet population synthesis studies
Planetary systems
- Solar system
- Exo-Planets & Planetary systems:
Search & Characterization - Debris disks
- Host stars
- Planetary interior
- Atmospheres & Bio-Signatures
Invited speakers
- Eike Guenther (TLS Tautenburg)
- Kevin Heng (ETH Zurich)
- Hubert Klahr (MPIA Heidelberg)
- Alexander Krivov (University Jena)
- Farzana Meru (ETH Zurich)
- Christoph Mordasini (MPIA Heidelberg)
- Heike Rauer (TU Berlin/ DLR Berlin)
- Frank Sohl (DLR Berlin)
- Jens Teiser (University Duisburg-Essen)
- Peter Woitke (St. Andrews University, UK)
- Jan Philipp Ruge (Chair)
- Gesa Bertrang
- Robert Brunngräber
- Florian Kirchschlager
- Brigitte Kuhr
- Florian Ober
- Stefan Reißl
- Peter Scicluna
- Sebastian Wolf