JavaScript Pages for Astronomy, (Astro)Physics, Numerics, Electronics:
Joachim Köppen Kiel 2022
This is a collection of JavaScript programs written for
teaching, creating exercises, allowing self-study and for use
as small research tools. They aim to permit an
interactive exploration of the behaviour of physical systems.
All programs work on Chrome, InternetExplorer, Edge, and Firefox (all in Windows10).
As time goes by, more is to come ... :-)
Space Exploration and Solar System
Two Body Simulation
shows the movement of a body in the attractive field of another
body, e.g. a planet around the Sun. This is the simple Kepler
problem, but done for a general attractive force. This version
computes only 1000 time steps at one batch, but it does so
Two Body Simulation (start/stop)
shows the movement of a body in the attractive field of another
body, e.g. a planet around the Sun. This is the simple Kepler
problem, but done for a general attractive force. This version
is slower, but one can start and stop the simulation ...
Orbits in a Central Potential
shows the movement of a body in the attractive field of another
body, e.g. a planet around the Sun or a galaxy about another.
This version also allows the use of a variety of computational
Spaceship in the Earth/Moon system
simulates the flight of a spaceship in the combined gravitational field
of Earth and Moon, which are orbiting each other. One may compute the
flights from Earth to Moon by a fast direct trajectory or via a chaotic
orbit in a slow but less expensive way, and study regular and chaotic
solutions of the restricted Three Body Problem.
Perturbation of a Stellar/Planetary Dust Disk by
a Planet/Moon
shows the how the gravitational attraction by the planet/moon
leads to a re-arrangement of the orbits of dust particles, which
is quite different from the initial evenly distribution. Due to the
perturbations, the planet/moon sweeps clear a region about its own
orbit, but also traps particles in horseshoe orbits about its Lagrangean
points, and causes the presence of other gaps in the disk. This
happened when our Solar System was formed. For instance Jupiter captured the
Trojan astroids. Also, the rings around Saturn have been shaped by its moons.
The Radio Sun
shows the brightness profile of the Sun at any wavelength. The emission
from photosphere, chromosphere, and corona are computed along several
lines of sight across the solar face, taking into account that the
path of the radio waves are curved due to the refraction by the
plasma of the solar atmosphere.
Eclipse of the Radio Sun
shows how the radio flux observed from the Sun changes during a solar
eclipse. The Sun's emission is modelled by the contributions from
photosphere/chromosphere, corona, and one active region. The Moon's
trajectory and radius can be altered to show total, partial, and
annular eclipses.
Temperatures and Radio Emission of the Lunar Soil
shows the variation of the temperatures in the lunar soil due to the illumination
by the Sun, during a whole month and during a total lunar eclipse.
It also computes the lunar radio flux at various frequencies.
Brightness Temperature of the Moon
shows the monthly variation of the temperature of the Moon predicted
for various frequencies from a simple model of the heat transport
in the lunar soil. The data can be ouput in the form of a text table.
Measured data from professional publications obtained since 1949 are also shown.
ExoPlanet Calculator
is a simple tool to estimate the characteristics of the transit
of an exoplanet which passes across the face of its parent star.
Stars and Nebulae
Plasma Diagnostics
interprets the emission line spectrum of ionized gaseous
nebulae: from the observed intensities of the lines, temperature,
density, and the abundances of the elements in the nebula are
derived. This is a scaled-down version of my
professional-level code HOPPLA.
Solar Photospheric Abundances
gives the data from Asplund et al. (2009) in the usual logarithmic
values as well as the linear mass fractions. If the user changes
one of the values, and hits the return key, all values are recomputed.
Interstellar Extinction
is a small utility that allows the conversion of extinction,
optical depth, attenuation for any optical, ultraviolet and
infrared wavelength, using various interstellar extinction
Photometric Colours from
Spectra of Single Stars and Stellar Populations
computes the spectrum of a stellar population composed of
a mixture of main sequence and red giant stars, specified
by their contributions, and the resultant photometric colours.
Photometric Colours from
Spectra of Single Stars and Stellar Populations (II)
computes the spectrum of a stellar population composed of
a mixture of main sequence and red giant stars, specified
by their contributions, and the resultant photometric colours.
This version also gives the colours in the photometric system
of our practise telescope.
Synthetic Stellar Populations
generates a population of stars of different ages and metallicities
and computes the distribution in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
and in Colour-Magnitude and Colour-Colour diagrams.
plots this curve in various ways and displays the integrated
energy and photon fluxes.
- Compute the radius and the mass of the
Strömgren Sphere
around a source of ionizing radiation, given
the number of ionizing photons or the temperature and radius
of the central star.
Analysis of an emission nebula
assumes the simple model of a Strömgren Sphere to estimate
the distance of the object from its observed
Hβ flux, angular diametre, and electron density. Also, we get
the number of ionizing photons necessary to make the nebula,
and the luminosity of the central star.
our Milky Way galaxy
Radial Velocities in the Galactic Plane
shows the radial velocities measured at the position of the Solar System
of gas clouds which travel in the plane of the Milky Way on circular orbits
around the Galactic Centre.
Photometric Colours from
Spectra of Single Stars and Stellar Populations
computes the spectrum of a stellar population composed of
a mixture of main sequence and red giant stars, specified
by their contributions, and the resultant photometric colours.
Photometric Colours from
Spectra of Single Stars and Stellar Populations (II)
computes the spectrum of a stellar population composed of
a mixture of main sequence and red giant stars, specified
by their contributions, and the resultant photometric colours.
This version also gives the colours in the photometric system
of our practise telescope.
Stellar Yields
displays the amount of chemical elements (C, N, O, Mg, Fe) produced
by fusion inside stars of different masses. Computes also the 'yield'
for these elements which an entire single generation of stars provides.
Synthetic Stellar Populations
generates a population of stars of different ages and metallicities
and computes the distribution in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
and in Colour-Magnitude and Colour-Colour diagrams.
Dark Matter in Galaxy Clusters
shows the distribution of dark matter and hot intracluster medium (ICM)
in clusters of galaxies, and the circular and escape velocities.
It also deduces from an observed ICM distribution the distribution of dark
matter, under the assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium.
A Galaxy's Flight through the Gas in a Galaxy Cluster
allows to trace the orbit as well as to compute the history of the ram pressure
acting on the galaxy, which is able to strip away the galaxy's interstellar gas.
- My version of the Toomres' simulation of the
Collision of Disk Galaxies
is available here. The two galaxies are modeled by a number of
stellar particles circling the centre in the shape of disks, and
during the collision only the tidal forces are taken into account.
The user specifies the parameters of the collision course as well
as the masses and orientations of the disks. This
classical simulation proved that extended arms observed in some
galaxies are due to the tidal interaction between the two
Radio Views of a Rotating Galaxy
is a simulation of how the rotating gas disk of a spiral galaxy with
arbitrary orientation appears to an observer, who cannot have the full
3-D view, but the two dimensional image and the radial velocity
information from spectroscopy. It takes into account
the finite spatial resolution due to the width of the antenna beam.
Radio Views of a Rotating Galaxy (Version 2)
is a simulation of how the rotating gas disk of a spiral galaxy with
arbitrary orientation appears to an observer, who cannot have the full
3-D view, but the two dimensional image and the radial velocity
information from spectroscopy. It also allows to compute spectra seen
when the antenna is pointed at a given position, and to create spectra
when the galaxy is covered by a square grid of antenna positions. The
numerical data can be obtained by copy&paste.
Radio Views of a Rotating Galaxy (Version F1EHN)
is a simulation of how the rotating gas disk of a spiral galaxy with
arbitrary orientation appears to an observer, who cannot have the full
3-D view, but the two dimensional image and the radial velocity
information from spectroscopy. It also allows to compute spectra seen
when the antenna is pointed at a given position, and to create spectra
when the galaxy is covered by a square grid of antenna positions. The
numerical data can be obtained by copy&paste. This version also contains
the spectra for M31 and M33 observed by F1EHN
View of a Galaxy with a Gas Tail
allows to make false colour images indicating the gas surface density
seen from a galaxy and its gas tail. The tail is modeled by a simple
cylindrical sheet of gas, whose geometry is specified by parameters,
and the object can be viewed from various angles.
more Astrophysics
Orbits in a Central Potential
shows the movement of a body in the attractive field of another
body, e.g. a planet around the Sun or a galaxy about another.
This version also allows the use of a variety of computational
- The
Onedimensional Hydrodynamics
simulation shows how the gas which had initially
been confined to the left part in a tube, fills the entire volume,
once its partition is opened; the formation of a shock and a
rarefaction wave can be followed. Both the isothermal and the adiabatic
case can be done. The hydrodynamical equations are discretized on a
equidistant spatial grid, and are solved with an explicit method.
- The
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
simulation shows how the gas which had initially
been confined to the left part in a tube, fills the entire volume,
once its partition is opened; the formation of a shock and a
rarefaction wave can be followed. In SPH simulations the gas is
represented by a number of particles, which move in such a way
that quantities like density and velocity behave as described
by the hydrodynamic equations.
plots this curve in various ways and displays the integrated
energy and photon fluxes.
Radio sources in the sky
shows the radio fluxes for well-known sources, and - given the effective
antenna diameter and the system temperature - displays the antenna temperature
and the expected signal to noise ratio.
Atmospheric Attenuation
computes for a given radio frequency, atmospheric temperature, pressure, and humidity the
attenuation by the Earth atmosphere at zenith and a given elevation angle. This is
done with the approximate formulae from ITU Recommendation P.676-10 (09/2013, Appendix 2)
for frequencies between 1 and 350 GHz.
Sky Profile Analysis
Measurements of the noise of the empty sky at several different elevation angles
can be used to determine the actual attenuation by the Earth atmosphere above
a station, as well as the noise figure (or system temperature) of its receiving system.
Given the measurements of the sky and the ground noise, this tool finds in an
automatic way the values of the two parameters which provide a best fit to the data.
- Measures of the noise at
Sun Moon & Ground
along with the empty sky gives three estimates for the system temperature. Significant
differences between the values are a sign for errors in some of the measured values,
which indicates that the measuring methods or/and equipment need revision or improvement.
If the three values agree with each other, they very likely indicate the true noise figure
of the receiving system of antenna and receiver. This 'overall' noise figure includes also
how much noise from the surroundings is picked up by the antenna's side and rear lobes.
It thus gives an indication for the true efficiency of the antenna. Knowing this better
helps in optimizing the antenna system.
Parameters of Aperture Antennas
computes the gain, half-power beam width, effective area and other parameters
of circular antennas, as well as the antenna temperature and signal to noise
ratio for a source of given radio flux and with specified system temperature.
Antenna Patterns
are computed for square and circular aperture antennas, either uniformly illuminated
or with a few laws. This is done for a point source, which reveals the theoretical
pattern, as well as for extended sources of specified angular diameter and with
a few simple surface brightness distributions.
Phased Square Aperture
computes the patterns of square aperture antennas, illuminated in different ways
in amplitude and phase.
Performance of Parabolic Dish Antennas
is computed for illumination by various feeds. The feed pattern, the antenna
efficiency, spillover losses and illumination losses, and the resulting
antenna radiation pattern are calculated for dishes with specified f/D ratio
of focal length and diameter.
Antenna Spill-Over
computes from measurements of the sky noise at various elevations the
system temperature of the radio telescope and the zenith temperature for
the thermal emission of the Earth atmosphere. It then allows the user to
add spill-over noise to account for the enhanced sky noise measured at
elevations close to the zeinth. In this way, one can measure the
spill-over contribution to the system noise.
Filling Factors
are the fraction of the antenna beam that is filled with the radiation of
the source, and gives the ratio of antenna and brightness temperatures.
This factor depends on the shapes of the antenna lobe and the source brightness
pattern and on the ratio of their respective sizes. The tool computes and display
filling factor functions for circular antenna beams with various antenna patterns
and circular disc sources, including those with limb darkening or limb brightening.
The user may download numerical tables of these functions.
- The relation between
Gain and HPBW
is independent of frequency. Here is a simple plot of this relation for
uniformly illuminated dish antennas.
- The
which an antenna picks up is partly thermal radiation from the soil and partly
reflected noise from the sky. This is computed for different angles, frequencies,
and properies of the ground material.
- For
Scheduling Observations
one needs to know when a celestial source stays above the horizon for a desired
duration. This is done for the Sun, Moon, or celestial sources
given by galactic or equatorial coordinates, for any geographical location, and
time (UT or local sideral time).
is a simulator for observations at 1304 MHz with the 9m parabolic antenna of
DL0SHF in Rönne. Its graphical user interface, its controls, and their
behaviour are very similar to the software used on the real instrument.
It allows realistic measurements of the Sun, Moon, and other celestial
sources and produces realistic data in the same format as the real software.
Furthermore it allows to set freely the time of observation.
is a simulator for observations in the 21 cm line of neutral hydrogen with
the 9m parabolic antenna of DL0SHF in Rönne. Its graphical user interface,
its controls, and their behaviour resemble closely the software used on the
real instrument. It allows realistic measurements of the positions in the
Galactic Plane (based on real measurements using this antenna), and
also continuum measurements of the Sun, Moon, and other celestial
sources. The realistic data are in the same format as from the real software.
Furthermore one may freely set the time of observation.
RoenneRadioMeter (Version CMB)
is a simulator for observations at 1304 MHz with a parabolic dish antenna
(like the 9m parabolic antenna of DL0SHF in Rönne), which also includes
the direct calibration by placing an absorbing body of known temperature in
front of the feed antenna. Although this technique is not feasible in the
real instrument, its simulation allows the user to evaluate and practise
how one determines the temperature of the Cosmic Microwave Background. Note
that for this task the results are independent of the diameter of the antenna.
Simple Radio Interferometer
computes the relative power measured by either a single radio telescope or an interferometer
with 2 or 3 antennas, when one of a few simple radio sources pass over the instrument.
One can choose the frequency, antenna diameter, separation of the antennas, the angular
size of a single source and the separation and brightness ratio of a pair of sources.
For computational convenience, the simulation is restricted to one angular dimension,
so that the source travels straight through the centre of the optical axis of the
instrument. But this allows to capture the principal features of observing
with an interferometer. The data can be outputted in numerical form for further
analysis by the user.
Radio Views of a Rotating Galaxy
is a simulation of how the rotating gas disk of a spiral galaxy with
arbitrary orientation appears to an observer, who cannot have the full
3-D view, but the two dimensional image and the radial velocity
information from spectroscopy. It takes into account
the finite spatial resolution due to the width of the antenna beam.
Radio Views of a Rotating Galaxy (Version 2)
is a simulation of how the rotating gas disk of a spiral galaxy with
arbitrary orientation appears to an observer, who cannot have the full
3-D view, but the two dimensional image and the radial velocity
information from spectroscopy. It also allows to compute spectra seen
when the antenna is pointed at a given position, and to create spectra
when the galaxy is covered by a square grid of antenna positions. The
numerical data can be obtained by copy&paste.
The Radio Sun
shows how the brightness profile of the Sun at any wavelength is calculated by
integrating the emissions from photosphere, chromosphere, and corona along
several lines of sight across the solar face, taking into account that the
path of the radio waves are curved due to the refraction by the
plasma of the solar atmosphere.
The Solar Radio Profiles
shows the brightness profile of the Sun at any wavelength, interpolated from
computations by Waldmeier & Müller (1948, 1950) and Smerd (1950).
Also is displayed how a drift scan across the Sun looks like, as done with
an antenna of specified beam width.
Eclipse of the Radio Sun
shows how the radio flux observed from the Sun changes during a solar
eclipse. The Sun's emission is modelled by the contributions from
photosphere/chromosphere, corona, and one active region. The Moon's
trajectory and radius can be altered to show total, partial, and
annular eclipses.
Temperatures and Radio Emission of the Lunar Soil
shows the variation of the temperatures in the lunar soil due to the illumination
by the Sun, during a whole month and during a total lunar eclipse.
It also computes the lunar radio flux at various frequencies.
Brightness Temperature of the Moon
shows the monthly variation of the temperature of the Moon predicted
for various frequencies from a simple model of the heat transport
in the lunar soil. The data can be ouput in the form of a text table.
Measured data from professional publications obtained since 1949 are also shown.
Lunar Radio Images
shows the distribution of radio brightness on the face of the Moon predicted
for any frequency and lunar phase computed with the above simple model for the
heat transport in the lunar soil.
Lunar Radio Images (Version II)
shows the distribution of radio brightness on the face of the Moon predicted
for any frequency and lunar phase computed with the above simple model for the
heat transport in the lunar soil. In this version one may also look at the
radio Moon, as it is blurred by the finite width of the beam of an radio antenna.
Lunar Drift Scans
computes and display the results of letting the radio Moon drift through
the antenna beam of a radio telescope.
Aim at the Radio Moon
computes and displays the radio image of the Moon in the proper orientation with
respect to the local horizon, for any location, date and time, and frequency.
One may also view the image as it is blurred by the finite width of the radio
telescope's beam.
KURT = Kiel's Universal Radio Telescope
is a simulator
on any frequencies between about 100 MHz and 350 GHz. It can be used as a single paraboloidal
dish of any diameter (larger than 10 wavelengths ... and with a smallest beam width
of about 0.01°). As an interferometer it can work with 2 antennas or up to
256 separations of antennas that are positioned along the East-West direction.
The instrument's sensitivity is like what one could expect if it were constructed
from freely available apparatus and electronic components. Its behaviour is modelled
in a realistic manner, the measurements of Sun, Moonm other celestial sources, and
the atmospheric foreground yield realistic data. For tests and the planning of
observations it can be set to arbitrary times.
is a tool to show the results of interferometric observations done with
systems whose properties may be freely chosen, in order to get the impressions of
results under ideal conditions. In this manner, the most suitable configuration of
the interferometer can be found to achieve the desired data quality. Also, one may
explore and test the basic operations of an interferometer and the dependence
on the system properties.
Simple Radio Interferometer
computes the relative power measured by either a single dish radio telescope or an interferometer
with 2 or 3 antennas, when a simple radio source pass over the instrument.
One can choose the frequency, antenna diameter, separation of the antennas, the angular
size of a single source and the separation and brightness ratio of a pair of sources.
For computational convenience, the simulation is restricted to one angular dimension,
so that the source travels straight through the centre of the optical axis of the
instrument. But this allows to capture the principal features of observing
with an interferometer. The data can be outputted in numerical form for further
analysis by the user.
Observation and Instruments
Local Sidereal Time
is a clock which shows the current UTC and local sidereal time
for any location.
Sun and Moon Position
computes for any time and location the positions in the
sky of the Sun and the Moon, both in celestial and horizontal
coordinates, their angular diameters, the lunar phase and radio flux.
- For
Scheduling Observations
one needs to know when a celestial source stays above the horizon for a desired
duration. This is done for the Sun, Moon, or celestial sources
given by galactic or equatorial coordinates, for any geographical location, and
time (UT or local sidereal time).
Airglow Spectrum
depicts a typical observed optical spectrum of the night sky; this
must always be subtracted from the raw observational data of a star, nebula
or galaxy before one gets its true spectrum.
Coordinate conversion
allows to change between azimuth/elevation, right ascension/declination,
ecliptical and galactic coordinates.
- If a celestial source has
Position Errors
in right ascension and declination, the observed position in the sky
shows offsets in azimuth and elevation which depend on the sky position.
This is shown to aid the determination of the RaDec errors from the
observed tracking errors of the source.
Parameters of Aperture Antennas
computes the gain, half-power beam width, effective area and other parameters
of circular antennas, as well as the antenna temperature and signal to noise
ratio for a source of given radio flux and with specified system temperature.
- Measures of the noise at
Sun Moon & Ground
along with the empty sky gives three estimates for the system temperature. Significant
differences between the values are a sign for errors in some of the measured values,
which indicates that the measuring methods or/and equipment need revision or improvement.
If the three values agree with each other, they very likely indicate the true noise figure
of the receiving system of antenna and receiver. This 'overall' noise figure includes also
how much noise from the surroundings is picked up by the antenna's side and rear lobes.
It thus gives an indication for the true efficiency of the antenna. Knowing this better
helps in optimizing the antenna system.
Antenna Patterns
are computed for square and circular aperture antennas, either uniformly illuminated
or with a few laws. This is done for a point source, which reveals the theoretical
pattern, as well as for extended sources of specified angular diameter and with
a few simple surface brightness distributions.
Antenna Patterns with Shadowing by the Feed
are computed for square and circular aperture antennas, which are uniformly illuminated
except for a central region shadowed by the apparatus in the focal point.
This is done for a point source, which reveals the theoretical
pattern, as well as for extended sources of specified angular diameter and with
a few simple surface brightness distributions.
Performance of Parabolic Dish Antennas
is computed for illumination by various feeds. The feed pattern, the antenna
efficiency, spillover losses and illumination losses, and the resulting
antenna radiation pattern are calculated for dishes with specified f/D ratio
of focal length and diameter.
Antenna Spill-Over
computes from measurements of the sky noise at various elevations the
system temperature of the radio telescope and the zenith temperature for
the thermal emission of the Earth atmosphere. It then allows the user to
add spill-over noise to account for the enhanced sky noise measured at
elevations close to the zeinth. In this way, one can measure the
spill-over contribution to the system noise.
Blurring of an Object by a Telescope
The apparent angular diameter of a (sky) object depends on the angular resolution
of the observing instrument. When the instrumental profile - such as the beam width
of a radio telescope - is comparable to the size of the object, the object appears
to be somewhat larger than it truly is. This one-dimensional simulation allows to
explore this effect for various simple objects and for various instrumental profiles.
Filling Factors
are the fraction of the antenna beam that is filled with the radiation of
the source, and gives the ratio of antenna and brightness temperatures.
This factor depends on the shapes of the antenna lobe and the source brightness
pattern and on the ratio of their respective sizes. The tool computes and display
filling factor functions for circular antenna beams with various antenna patterns
and circular disc sources, including those with limb darkening or limb brightening.
The user may download numerical tables of these functions.
Simple Radio Interferometer
computes the relative power measured by either a single radio telescope or an interferometer
with 2 or 3 antennas, when one of a few simple radio sources pass over the instrument.
One can choose the frequency, antenna diameter, separation of the antennas, the angular
size of a single source and the separation and brightness ratio of a pair of sources.
For computational convenience, the simulation is restricted to one angular dimension,
so that the source travels straight through the centre of the optical axis of the
instrument. But this allows to capture the principal features of observing
with an interferometer. The data can be outputted in numerical form for further
analysis by the user.
is a simulator for observations at 1304 MHz with the 9m parabolic antenna of
DL0SHF in Rönne. Its graphical user interface, its controls, and their
behaviour are very similar to the software used on the real instrument.
It allows realistic measurements of the Sun, Moon, and other celestial
sources and produces realistic data in the same format as the real software.
Furthermore it allows to set freely the time of observation.
is a simulator for observations in the 21 cm line of neutral hydrogen with
the 9m parabolic antenna of DL0SHF in Rönne. Its graphical user interface,
its controls, and their behaviour resemble closely the software used on the
real instrument. It allows realistic measurements of the positions in the
Galactic Plane (based on real measurements using this antenna), and
also continuum measurements of the Sun, Moon, and other celestial
sources. The realistic data are in the same format as from the real software.
Furthermore one may freely set the time of observation.
RoenneRadioMeter (Version CMB)
is a simulator for observations at 1304 MHz with a parabolic dish antenna
(like the 9m parabolic antenna of DL0SHF in Rönne), which also includes
the direct calibration by placing an absorbing body of known temperature in
front of the feed antenna. Although this technique is not feasible in the
real instrument, its simulation allows the user to evaluate and practise
how one determines the temperature of the Cosmic Microwave Background. Note
that for this task the results are independent of the diameter of the antenna.
Sky Profile Analysis (for frequencies below 10 GHz)
allows to separate and determine the level of the electronic noise of the receiver
of a radio telescope (the system temperature) and the level of the foreground
by the Earth atmosphere's thermal emission (zenith temperature) from the
measurements of the noise level of the empty sky taken at several elevations.
The results are reliable for low atmospheric absorption only, hence for
low frequencies.
Sky Profile Analysis
Measurements of the noise of the empty sky at several different elevation angles
can be used to determine the actual attenuation by the Earth atmosphere above
a station, as well as the noise figure (or system temperature) of its receiving system.
Given the measurements of the sky and the ground noise, this tool finds in an
automatic way the values of the two parameters which provide a best fit to the data.
Aim at the Radio Moon
computes and displays the radio image of the Moon in the proper orientation with
respect to the local horizon, for any location, date and time, and frequency.
One may also view the image as it is blurred by the finite width of the radio
telescope's beam.
Amateur Radio and Earth-Moon-Earth Communication (EME)
Aim at the Radio Moon
computes and displays the radio image of the Moon in the proper orientation with
respect to the local horizon, for any location, date and time, and frequency.
One may also view the image as it is blurred by the finite width of the radio
telescope's beam.
Lunar reflectivity
shows for any frequency how the reflectivity of the lunar disc varies from
the centre to the rim. This is done by an image of the Moon and a plot of
the relative reflectivity as a function of radius. The results from
radar measurements are interpolated to any frequency.
Two Narrow Beams on the Moon
When EME operations are done with large antennas and/or at high frequencies,
the antenna beams may become comparable to the angular size of the Moon, or
even smaller. Then the strength of the reflected signal depends on the widths
of transmitting and receiving beams, as well as on their positions on the lunar
disc. This tool computes and displays the illumination of the Moon's face
by the transmitting antenna, the overlap of the two antenna beams, and the correction
factor for EME link budget. It also computes the offset loss which occurs
when the two beams are not directed to the same spot.
Lunar Radio Images
shows the distribution of radio brightness on the face of the Moon predicted
for any frequency and lunar phase computed with the above simple model for the
heat transport in the lunar soil.
Lunar Radio Images (Version II)
shows the distribution of radio brightness on the face of the Moon predicted
for any frequency and lunar phase computed with the above simple model for the
heat transport in the lunar soil. In this version one may also look at the
radio Moon, as it is blurred by the finite width of the beam of an radio antenna.
Lunar Drift Scans
computes and display the results of letting the radio Moon drift through
the antenna beam of a radio telescope.
Atmospheric Attenuation
computes for a given radio frequency, atmospheric temperature, pressure, and humidity the
attenuation by the Earth atmosphere at zenith and a given elevation angle. This is
done with the approximate formulae from ITU Recommendation P.676-10 (09/2013, Appendix 2)
for frequencies between 1 and 350 GHz.
Sky Profile Analysis
Measurements of the noise of the empty sky at several different elevation angles
can be used to determine the actual attenuation by the Earth atmosphere above
a station, as well as the noise figure (or system temperature) of its receiving system.
Given the measurements of the sky and the ground noise, this tool finds in an
automatic way the values of the two parameters which provide a best fit to the data.
- Measures of the noise at
Sun Moon & Ground
along with the empty sky gives three estimates for the system temperature. Significant
differences between the values are a sign for errors in some of the measured values,
which indicates that the measuring methods or/and equipment need revision or improvement.
If the three values agree with each other, they very likely indicate the true noise figure
of the receiving system of antenna and receiver. This 'overall' noise figure includes also
how much noise from the surroundings is picked up by the antenna's side and rear lobes.
It thus gives an indication for the true efficiency of the antenna. Knowing this better
helps in optimizing the antenna system.
Other Stuff ....
Statistics Simulations
Numerical Techniques
Radio and Electronics
Parameters of Aperture Antennas
computes the gain, half-power beam width, effective area and other parameters
of circular antennas, as well as the antenna temperature and signal to noise
ratio for a source of given radio flux and with specified system temperature.
Antenna Patterns
are computed for square and circular aperture antennas, either uniformly illuminated
or with a few laws. This is done for a point source, which reveals the theoretical
pattern, as well as for extended sources of specified angular diameter and with
a few simple surface brightness distributions.
Crystal Ladder Bandpass Filters
computes from the measured quartz parameters the necessary shunt capacitors,
and the frequency response curve.
Design of Interdigital Bandpass Filters
computes the mechanical details of filters of specified design parameters,
and shows the resulting frequency response.
Design of Active Low and Highpass Filters
computes the resistor and capacitor values for sections using operational
amplifiers and shows the resulting frequency response.
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last update: May 2024 J.Köppen